Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,53

body jerking forward. He waited for several moments, watching the vivid red stripe bloom across her skin, then he shifted to deliver the next stroke. Thea shrieked, dancing on the ring which held her suspended. Tony gauged her response. Thea was an experienced submissive, but the tawse was a harsh instrument. He would check after every stroke, and stop when he believed she’d had enough, whatever she might have to say about that.

He positioned himself for the next stroke and delivered it with absolute precision, just parallel to the first two, on the spot where her bum and thighs met. That had to hurt, she would be sore for days. One more, perhaps two. He raised his arm—

A bright flash halted his stroke in mid air. He whirled, angry.

“What the…”

“Tony, what is it?” Thea was thrashing her head from side to side, unable to see what had disturbed his concentration, but aware that something was amiss. He went straight to her, his arms around her calming her instantly.

“Nothing, sweetheart. Someone messing about, that’s all.”

“What did they do? I didn't hear anything.”

She hadn’t seen the flash, the blindfold took care of that. She had no idea that someone had just used a camera in here, a cardinal sin, flouting all the club rules. As he wrapped her in his arms, his instinct to protect kicked into overdrive, Tony watched over her shoulder as two dungeon masters descended on a group of members across the room. There was a lot of head-shaking, angry gesturing, the murmur of voices though nothing more than that. The two members of staff appeared satisfied and returned to their stations at opposite ends of the dungeon.


Tony brought himself back into the moment fast. Thea still needed him, demanded his entire concentration. He had a scene to conclude, a sub to care for. Anything else would have to wait.

“Two more strokes. Hard ones. Then we stop. Yes?”

“Yes please, Sir.”

Yes please! She never failed to delight him. Tony returned to his position behind her, the tawse dangling from his hand. He raised the implement and brought it down hard on her right buttock, leaving a diagonal stripe across the others already there.

Thea’s scream reverberated around the room, attracting the attention of both dungeon masters and most of their fellow members. He was aware they’d drawn an audience as he eyed her quivering left buttock, picking his spot.

The tawse whistled through the air, and Thea’s cry when it sliced across her skin was nothing short of blood-curdling. It was followed by a series of little yelps as she processed the sensation, her body absorbing the punishment.


Tony grabbed the blanket he had folded beside his bag and tossed that over his shoulder. He reached above Thea to release her wrists, and caught her as her legs buckled. In seconds she was enveloped in the blanket and he sank to the floor with her in his arms.

“Okay baby, I have you. Just take a moment. Let me take these off.”

He tugged at the knot at the back of her head and the scarf fell away. She blinked at him, her expression startled but happy. Next he opened the blanket to reveal her still clamped nipples. It was the work of a moment to loosen the screws and slip the rings off, but he knew it would hurt her. Sure enough, she sobbed as the blood flow was restored. Tony rubbed both nipples hard to help speed the process along. But still, afterwards, she lay shivering in his arms.

“Are you cold?”

“No Sir. Just…”

“You want your orgasm? Is that it?”

“Have I earned it?” Her tone was hopeful.

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “I’d say so. I reserved a private recovery room.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

The rules about nudity were less rigid outside the main dungeon, and non-existent in the private areas. Tony wanted his sub naked for this. He stood and helped Thea to her feet too, steadying her when her legs threatened to give out again. He was quick about collecting up his kit and slinging his bag over his shoulder, then scooped her into his arms again.

As they entered the recovery room he was pleased to see they had the place to themselves. He deposited Thea on one of the long couches and knelt on the floor beside her.

“I’ll get you a drink.” He helped himself from the fridge full of bottles of water provided for members’ use and unsnapped the top from one of them. He held it to Thea’s Copyright 2016 - 2024