Tarnished Knight - By Bec McMaster Page 0,61

saw her begin to argue. “It’s too dangerous, for all of us. If anyone were to discover my illegitimacy…” His gaze sharpened. “You understand the world I live in, Lena. You know what would happen.”

She swallowed and nodded.

“I can’t be seen to visit here too often,” he continued. “But if there’s ever anything I can do for you--”

“You could take me with you,” she blurted.

The fire crackled in the hearth as he stiffened.

“As your ward,” she continued swiftly. “I could… I could make my debut with you as my guardian.”

“People would ask questions.”

“Then tell them that father saved your life when you were a child. You feel a debt of gratitude to him.”

She thought for a second she had gone too far and cursed herself. In the spur of the moment, she had made a demand that crossed all of the lines. She hardly knew him, after all. What had she been thinking? Leo would say no, for sure.

“Why do you wish to leave your family?” he asked instead, with a curious expression.

“There is nothing here for me,” she replied. Will immediately sprang to mind, the memory of those amber eyes burning her through. Lena’s gaze lowered. She was a fool even to consider that a reason to stay. He’d made his feelings for her quite clear. “I wish to find some of what my sister has found. I want someone to love me. And there is no one here for me.”

Leo sank back down onto the sofa, his hands clasped as he stared at her. “Even with my backing, you would only ever be considered suitable to be a thrall. Your bloodlines aren’t good enough to make a consort contract with.”

A little shiver went down her spine but she stilled it. To be a thrall was not to be powerless and Honoria’s experiences with Blade must have been pleasant enough for her to continue donating her blood to him. Perhaps it wasn’t always awful? perhaps she could learn to tolerate it? “I know. I just… I don’t belong here. All I know is that the last time I was truly happy, I was about to make my debut.”

“Have you spoken of this with your sister?”

“Heavens, no. The idea only came to me just then.” Lena offered him a weak smile. “You do not have to agree. I wouldn’t hold it against you, I just… hoped.”

A sigh crossed his lips. Then he smiled. It changed his entire face; from stern and uncompromising to something almost boyish. He looked so like Charlie in that moment. “You were going to leave me to tell your sister, weren’t you?” he asked dryly.

“Are you accepting?”

“To tell Honoria or to take you as my ward?”

“Well, both perhaps?” She gave him a devilish smile, her heart starting to pound in her ears.

Leo’s eyes narrowed. “People underestimate you, don’t they?”


He stood and held a hand out to help her to her feet. “I shall take you as my ward, Lena, because I do owe you. But I’m not volunteering to tell your sister. That is your price to pay.”

His cool hand curled around hers and Lena drew herself to her feet. He was a good deal taller than she and something about his manner indicated that he generally preferred people not to touch him. But Lena was so terribly happy that she couldn’t resist throwing her arms around him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”

She was going home. The thought of leaving Charlie and Honoria, even the rest of the household was a sudden pang in her chest but she ignored it. She could always visit. And then Will could come home and this whole mess would be fixed. For the first time in months she finally had a future in mind.

“You’re quite welcome,” Leo replied, a little stiffly.

“Come,” she said, taking his hand. “I know someone who would like to meet you. Charlie’s always longed for a brother. And then we can tell Honoria our plans.”

“You can tell Honoria,” Leo corrected. He hesitated. “I don’t think I should meet your brother just yet. I was responsible for his infection, after all.”

“You cannot hide from him forever. Come.”

He let her lead him from the room and Lena smiled to herself as she hurried down the corridor. So many of her friends she had left behind… She could see them again and laugh and gossip over tea and forget this whole, horrendous nightmare. And in doing so, she would fix this problem she had caused

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