Taming of the Beast (Scandalous Affairs #2) - Christi Caldwell Page 0,89

of the sofa.

What had become of her? What had happened that, she, who had been singularly focused on her work outing the criminal members of the peerage and had resolved to never have a man or passion or desire in her life, should now find herself hopelessly ensnared?

A knock sounded at the door. “I do not require anything,” she called, directing that response at the ceiling above.

Another rapping came, this time firmer and stronger, signifying the person was decidedly not leaving.

And then, boldness of boldness, the door opened. “I’ve come to inquire as to whether her ladyship requires anything?”

Gasping, Faye sat upright.

She registered several things all at once. The new footman sounded and, even with his powdered wig, looked exceedingly familiar. Tall and broad as Tynan, with eyes that glinted and glimmered. Only, this man was attired in the white breeches and sapphire liveried apparel of her family’s uniforms.

This servant also spoke in those mellifluous tones capable of seducing with nothing more than a syllable uttered in that sexy voice. Which was impossible. She blinked several times. She was now imagining him everywhere.

And then, ever so slowly, he winked.

“Tynan?’ she mouthed.

Spreading his arms wide, he fell into a bow better suited for His Majesty.

Rushing across the room, she pushed the door shut behind him and locked it. “What are you doing here?” she whispered, frantically glancing about.

Dropping all pretense as a dutiful servant, he folded his arms at his chest in that cocksure way of his. “I’ve secured new employment.”


He winked. Again.

She sought to make sense of that and any of this. “What game are you playing?” she asked hesitantly as he strolled around the parlor, taking in her belongings scattered about.

“No game,” he said, stopping before her books.

Faye rushed back over and made to rearrange them.

“Tsk, tsk, Miss Poplar, that is what a servant is for.” He leaned close. “I insist you let me serve you.”

A blush exploded over her person at the suggestive murmuring, seductive in its husky delivery and barely veiled meaning. Yet, he’d awakened her to the full force of desire and passion that proved greater than any modesty. That place between her legs throbbed from the mere memory of their last time together. And yet, she wasn’t so very selfish that her need to have him here would outweigh the danger that came from his presence. “You have to go, Tynan,” she said in hushed tones.

“But I was newly hired.”

That gave her pause. “By who?” she blurted.

He grinned. “Your butler.”

“My…?” She briefly closed her eyes. “What have you done, Tynan?” she demanded on a furious whisper. He was dancing with danger. Why? Why would he do this?

He caressed a finger over the edge of her puffed-lace sleeve. “Tell me, do you call all servants by their Christian names?” he purred.

“A-actually, I do.” That admission left her throat on a whisper. Of its own volition, her body swayed toward his as she briefly closed her eyes, leaning into his touch.

He chuckled. That pleased masculine little laugh brought her eyes flying open.

Faye swatted at his hand. “You are insufferable. You have to go,” she said again, even as she wanted him near. It wasn’t safe, whatever this game was he played.

He scoffed. “Surely you’re not attempting to send me away. You’re declining the opportunity to…” He lightly scooped her buttocks under his right hand, drawing her against the rigid line of his erection. She melted under his touch, and of their own volition, her hips arched forward into him. “Put endless hours of questions to me and get the information you seek?”

The information she sought? It took a moment for that husky query to penetrate the wicked games she was imagining playing with him that had nothing to do with her work.

Of course. Her plan. The criminals among the peerage. The limited time she had to work with.

“Tynan, this is entirely different. You’re playing with fire by being here,” she said in hushed tones. Reluctantly, Faye stepped out of his arms. “If my brother returns and finds you here?” If Tristan learned of Tynan’s deception and of Faye’s relationship with him?—She shuddered.—“He’d happily have you hanged.”

“I’ll take that risk, love.”

He’d do that…for her? Her chest cinched.

Either way… “I’ll not allow you to put yourself in harm’s way, Tynan.”

“I’ll be gone before your brother returns,” he promised.

She was unnerved by how accurately he’d anticipated the reasons for her concerns.

“You once accused me of taking freely from you.” Regret tinged her words. “I’ll not take this.” Not when it

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