Taming of the Beast (Scandalous Affairs #2) - Christi Caldwell Page 0,88

engage someone’s services in any task, I put that request to them myself.”

“Didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt,” Jack said.

Faye hadn’t, but she very nearly had. His stomach muscles seized as a memory slipped in of that narrow crimson trail of blood that had wound down her neck from where that bastard had pricked her.

Jack’s lower lip trembled, and that took Tynan back to a long-ago time when he’d had a quivering mouth as he’d attempted to help his mother after she’d suffered a vicious beating at his father’s hands. He’d eventually tamped that hint of vulnerability out of himself. Jack and John would lose it, too. Invariably, all children in these parts lost their innocence. That was why he fought like hell to preserve his sister’s.

He gentled his tone, and directed his next words at each child assembled. “The world has enough bullies and monsters. That isn’t what you should aspire to. You are better than that. Conduct yourself in a way that shows it.” Tynan settled his focus on Jack and John. “Is that clear?”

They offered slow, shaky nods.

Tynan sat back in his chair. “That will be all.”

The children’s eyes went hugely round. “That’s it, sir?” John croaked.

Tynan quirked an eyebrow. “Unless you wish for there to be more?”

“No!” they both said quickly.

“Then you are free to go.”

Springing into movement, the boys made a beeline for the door as though they feared if they lingered any longer, he’d change his mind and toss them out.

“Thank ye, sir,” Liam said with a wide, toothy grin.

He winked.

“Halt,” Tynan called before the boys left the kitchen.

They instantly froze and turned back.

“Let it also be clear that I am not going anywhere. But when I am not here, Finn is in charge.” The boys swung their gazes over to the smaller, freckle-faced child.

Finn grew several inches under the responsibility bequeathed him. Puffing his chest out and bringing his shoulders back, he kept his focus forward.

“Any requests or questions or concerns are to be directed his way, and he will in turn bring them to me. Have I made myself clear again?”

They nodded.

Tynan spread his arms wide. “Then you are dismissed.”

The moment they’d gone, he motioned Finn over and proceeded to fold his notes, stamping them with wax to seal them. “I am going to need these delivered.”

“Of course, sir.” Finn hesitated. “Yer…leaving?”

“Just for a short while.” Until Faye’s family returned.

“The lady?” Finn ventured, with a perceptiveness for one so young. “She’s probably in trouble?”

Not probably.

Absolutely was.

“Aye,” he allowed.

There was only one fate awaiting Faye Poplar if she saw her mission through. Nay, the truth was, she’d already danced down a path and stepped right on through to the point of no return.

And oddly, this was the first time he wasn’t worrying about himself or repositioning himself in London. It was her he thought of. Faye Poplar, who wanted to deal with people even he would balk at dealing with. Faye, who, despite all the peril she’d faced, showed no signs of fear or of being deterred.

“What are ye going to do, sir?”

“What I have to,” Tynan kept that answer vague. The more details Finn had, the more dangerous it would be for the boy and for Faye. Faye, who’d come to mean far more to him than she should.

This was bad.

Chapter 21

Later that night, sleep eluded Faye.

Foregoing her rooms in favor of the white parlor she’d made into her office, she sat there, staring past the Queen Anne desk over to the easel containing all the notes she’d made that day.

With her impending meeting with Mr. Oswyn, she should be solely focused on filling every moment, before her family returned and her time with Tynan came to an end, with her efforts to out the members of Polite Society for their crimes against humanity.

Instead of thinking about her upcoming interviews, every and any thought she’d since she’d returned from Tynan’s last evening had involved him.

Nay, not him.

Her heart hammered.

They two together, the pleasure he’d shown her and the pleasure she’d given him and the pleasure she’d found in giving him his pleasure. It had been wicked and wonderful, and it would never be enough.

How could she have tasted such gloriously unbridled passion in his arms and never again know such acute bliss?

Only, that was not all. She’d miss those moments spent reading and reciting poetry with him and teasing him and being teased and—

With a low groan, Faye closed her eyes and knocked the back of her head upon the arm

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