Taken by the Alien Next Door (Aliens Among Us #1) - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,142

finger close, and his daughter grabbed hold of it with surprising strength. As she attempted to shake her little arm, he marveled at her tiny, perfect fingers and their little claws.

“I never could have imagined such beauty anywhere in the universe,” Zevris said softly, brushing the pad of his thumb over the back of Skye’s hand, “but I should have known it was possible after meeting you, Tabitha.”

Tabitha shifted one of her arms, tracing the tip of Skye’s pointed ear with her finger. “I’ve got nothing on her. She’s perfect, Zevris. And she looks just like you.”

“I would argue that her perfection is all from her mother’s side,” he replied, lifting his gaze to look at his lifemate, his wife, his love. “Kidnapping you was the best decision I ever made.”

Tabitha laughed. “You should thank Dexter for pooping in your daisies. Otherwise, who knows what strange sort of courtship ritual you would’ve tried in your efforts to woo me. I could’ve been the one who got away.”

Dexter’s ears perked upon hearing his name, and he turned his eyes up at them.

“I would never have let you get away,” Zevris said, grinning. “I would’ve taken you eventually, one way or another.”

“Oh yeah? You wanted me that bad, huh?”

“I would have eliminated every male on this planet if that was what I needed to do to have you.” He stroked the backs of his fingers over her cheek, brushing away the stray hairs and tucking them behind her ear. “You were always meant to be mine, Nykasha.”

Author’s Note

Thank you so, so, so much for reading Taken by the Alien Next Door!

We hope you enjoyed Zevris and Tabitha’s story. And if you did, please let us know by leaving a review on Amazon. Your excited feedback, shares, and reviews will let us know if you’d love to see more in this series.

This book is a lot lighter than all our previous books. Basically…this was our therapy book baby. It was something we really, really needed. Between everything going on in the world right now, a couple bombed new releases, and our own self-doubts, writing has been excruciatingly hard for us for months. We felt like we were losing our love for writing. Every word was so painful, so difficult, and when we’d only reach 1,500-2,000 words after 8-9 hours of work, we felt defeated.

Rob and I wanted to write something lighter, and I just had...a light bulb moment. What if we twisted some of the modern contemporary tropes and turn them into a sci-fi romance? What if we did a story about a sexy guy next door? **Gasp!** “What if—" And the ideas just kept coming and coming and coming for this story, and when we sat down to actually write it…it was fun! I felt like we’d found our love for writing again, and the words just kept flowing. We were excited to start the day, eager to get back to the story. It was as though we found our mojo again. Before we knew it, we were back to writing 4,000-6,000 words a day.

Is this an amazing book? We don’t know. We’ll leave you to be the judge of that. But it’s amazing to us in its own right. This was us finding our love of writing all over again. It was us finding an escape when the world feels like it’s going to poop. It was us relearning what we used to know so well—writing is fun.

But all of you play a huge role in keeping us going, too. We’re always heartened by your wonderful emails, messages, and comments telling us how much enjoyment our books have brought into your lives, or how much you can relate to the stories and the characters, and how they’ve helped you through tragic moments in your life. And when we see our book shared around social media, it seriously makes our day because you loved the story enough to share it with your friends. You all mean the world to us.

So, thank you. Thank you again for following us, supporting us, and staying with us. And if you’re new to our books, thank you as well for reading! We hope you’ll take a peek at our other books and enjoy those, too.

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