Taken by the Alien Next Door (Aliens Among Us #1) - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,141

of immense stress, pressure, and danger.

And Zevris understood, because his own hands had performed with the same steadiness and confidence until he’d first held Skye.

Khelvar drew the baby girl closer and gazed down at her. His face instantly softened. For a long while, he was silent, and when he finally spoke, his voice was rough. “I’ve never held a baby before. I’ve dedicated most of my life to the Exthurizen, and never thought…never even considered this was an option. And it probably wasn’t.” His eyes glistened with unshed tears. When he turned his face back up to Zevris, he cleared his throat. “Congratulations, Zevris, Tabitha. She is beautiful.”

Tabitha sniffled, and her own voice was thick when she said, “Thank you.” She fanned her eyes. “Sorry. It’s totally hormones. I swear.”

Khelvar smiled. “Thank you both. Of everything I’ve taken part in during my time, this is, without a doubt, the most meaningful, the most important. We don’t often have the privilege of happy moments to enjoy, but this makes up for all of it.”

The warmth that had resided in Zevris’s chest ever since he’d first met Tabitha flared. He reached forward and placed a hand on Khelvar’s shoulder. “You have been my commander for half my life, but more than that, you have been as a father to me.”

Khelvar looked up at him and chuckled. “However old I feel, I’m not that old yet, Zevris.”

“But the sentiment remains true. And Tabitha and I want you to know that we consider you to be Skye’s grandfather in every way that matters.”

Khelvar swallowed thickly. Moisture welled in his eyes, and his smile widened. “Thank you. I…this… Thank you.” With immense care and reverence, he handed Skye back to Zevris.

“Feel free to visit any time you’d like,” Zevris said. “As a friend, as our family. Not as my commanding officer.”

“Our door is always open to you,” Tabitha added.

Chuckling softly, Khelvar lifted a hand to his face, wiping away the tears that had spilled from his eyes. “You really are trying to coerce me into retirement, aren’t you? Thank you both, again. I’m going to accompany the medical team so I can receive their reports. I’ll contact you tomorrow.”

Zevris nodded. “Have a good evening.”

“Good night, Khelvar,” said Tabitha.

Khevlar leaned down and gently smoothed his hand over Skye’s little head, brushing back her hair. “Good night.”

He let himself out; for the couple seconds he had the front door open, Zevris could hear the medical team somewhere outside, talking in hushed but excited tones. He’d done his best not to be too hard on them—their life’s work was finally coming to fruition, and it meant the potential salvation of the faloran race. Their excitement was understandable.

Zevris looked down at his daughter and gently brushed the back of a finger across her cheek. She turned her face toward it, as though trying to nuzzle his hand. At least that was what he thought before she opened her mouth, caught his finger between her lips, and sucked on it.

Skye did not appreciate the lack of nourishment provided by Zevris’s finger. Her cheeks reddened, her face scrunched, and she released her displeasure in a cry that belied how small she was.

Tabitha laughed and frowned at the same time. “My poor little girl’s hungry.”

Zevris adjusted his hold on the infant, unable but to smile at her pouting lips. “Shh. Just a moment, little one.”

He waited for Tabitha to situate herself and bare her breast before passing Skye to her. The baby immediately latched onto Tabitha’s nipple, barely needing any coaxing to find it.

Easing himself onto the couch beside his females, Zevris slipped his arm around Tabitha’s shoulders. She leaned against him, tipping her head against his chest.

“I feel like this is the first moment I’ve been able to breathe over the last few days,” she said with a contented sigh.

“Me, too,” Zevris replied.

The doggy door flapped open again, and within a few seconds, both Dexter and Diana were standing before Zevris and Tabitha. The dogs looked at Skye with curiosity. Diana leaned her head forward and gently licked Tabitha’s hand before pulling back and lying at Tabitha’s feet. Dexter paused to lick Tabitha’s hand in the same place before joining his canine mate on the floor.

Tabitha smiled up at Zevris. “Skye’s going to have an army of vicious beasts protecting her.”

Zevris lowered his brows. “You’re including me in that, aren’t you?”

Her smile stretched into a grin.

Skye continued drinking, squirming just enough to work one of her hands free. Zevris moved his

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