Reflected in You(91)

I loved how easily he could read me, then revise and revisit his approach on the fly.

I tried to be as adaptable for him.

Really, flexibility was a requirement in a relationship between two high-maintenance people.

Linking my fingers with his, I told him about my mother's weird reaction after lunch.

"I almost expected to turn around and see my dad or something.

I was wondering .

You have security cameras that cover the front of the building, don't you?" "Of course.

I'll look into it."

"It's a ten-minute window of time, max.

I just want to see if I can figure out what went on."

"Consider it done."

I tilted my head back and kissed his jaw.

"Thank you."

His lips pressed to the top of my shoulder.

"Angel, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

"Including talking about your past?" I felt him tense and mentally kicked myself.

"Not right this second," I hastened to add, "but sometime.

Just tell me we'll get there."

"Have lunch with me tomorrow.

In my office."

"Are you going to talk about it then?" Gideon exhaled harshly.


I turned my face away and released him, disappointed with his evasion.

Reaching for the edges of the tub, I prepared to get out and away from the man who somehow made me feel more connected to another human being than I'd ever been, yet impossibly distant as well.

Being with him f**ked with my head, made me doubt the very things I'd been sure of just moments before.

Rinse and repeat.

"I'm done," I muttered, blowing out the nearest candle.

Smoke curled up and away, as intangible as my grasp on the man I loved.

"I'm getting out."
