Reflected in You(56)

Does that sound healthy to you?" It wasn't.

I knew that.

I hated it.

"We saw Dr.

Petersen last night."

His brows rose.

"How'd that go?" "He didn't tell us to run far, far away from each other as fast as we can."

"And if he does? Will you listen?" "I'm not bailing when things get rough this time.

Seriously, Cary" - I held his gaze - "am I really all that far ahead if I can't take any waves?" "Baby girl, Cross is a tsunami."

"Ha!" I smiled, unable to help it.

Cary could get me to smile through tears.

"To tell you the truth, if I don't work this out with Gideon, I have doubts I'll work it out with anyone."

"That's your shitty self-esteem talking."

"He knows what I'm carrying around in me."

"All right."

My brows shot up.

"All right?" That was too easy.

"I'm not sold.

But I'll deal."

He grabbed my hand.

"Come on.

Let's get your hair done."

I smiled, grateful.

"You're the best."

He bumped his hip into mine.

"And I won't let you forget it."

Chapter 5

"As far as death traps go," Cary said, "this one's pretty swank."

I shook my head as I preceded him into the main cabin of Gideon's private jet.

"You are not going to die.