Reflected in You(40)

He reached his hand out, spanning the distance between us.

I placed mine in his and appreciated the reassuring squeeze he gave me.

"Twice a week," he said tightly.

"On average."

The number of women quickly added up in my mind.

My free hand fisted in my lap.


Petersen sat back.

"Eva has brought up concerns of infidelity and lack of communication in your relationship.

How often is sex used to resolve disagreements?" Gideon's brow arched.

"Before you assume Eva's suffering under the demands of my overactive libido, you should know that she initiates sex at least as often as I do.

If one of us were going to have concerns about keeping up, it'd be me just by virtue of possessing male anatomy."


Petersen looked at me for confirmation.

"Most interactions between us lead to sex," I conceded, "including fights."

"Before or after the conflict is considered resolved by both of you?" I sighed.


He dropped the stylus and started typing.

I thought he might end up with a novel's worth by the time all was said and done.

"Your relationship has been highly sexualized from the beginning?" he asked.

I nodded, even though he wasn't looking.

"We're very attracted to each other."


He glanced up and offered a kind smile.

"However, I'd like to discuss the possibility of abstinence while we - " "There is no possibility," Gideon interjected.

"That's a nonstarter.

I suggest we focus on what's not working without eliminating one of the few things that is."

"I'm not sure it is working, Gideon," Dr.

Petersen said evenly.

"Not the way it should be."