Reflected in You(279)

It didn't matter.

I knew I was in his thoughts, in his heart.

My phone rang and I pulled it out of my purse.

Seeing my mother's name on the screen, I answered with, "Hi, Mom."

"I don't understand what they're looking for!" she complained, sounding angry and tearful.

"They won't leave Richard alone.

They went to his offices today and took copies of the security tapes."

"The detectives?" "Yes.

They're relentless.

What do they want?" I turned the corner to reach my street.

"To catch a killer.

They probably just want to see Nathan coming and going.

Check the timing or something."

"That's ridiculous!" "Yeah, it's also just a guess.

Don't worry.

There's nothing to find because Stanton's innocent.

Everything will be okay."

"He's been so good about this, Eva," she said softly.

"He's so good to me."

I sighed, hearing the pleading note in her voice.

"I know, Mom.

I get it.

Dad gets it.

You're where you should be.

No one's judging you.

We're all good."

It took me until I reached my front door to calm her down, during which time I wondered what the detectives would see if they pulled the Crossfire security tapes, too.

The history of my relationship with Gideon could be chronicled through the times I'd been in the Cross Industries vestibule with him.

He'd first propositioned me there, bluntly stating his desire.

He'd pinned me to the wall there, right after I'd agreed to date him exclusively.