Reflected in You(241)

Sound good?" "Sounds perfect."

I grabbed the phone off its base and went back to my bedroom.

I hit the speed dial for Gideon's cell and waited for him to pick up.

Three rings later, he did."Cross," he said, although his screen would've told him it was me.

"I really can't talk right now."

"Then just listen.

I'll time myself.

One minute.

One goddamn minute of your time.

Can you give me that?" "I really - " "Did Nathan come to you with photos of me?" "This isn't - " "Did he?" I snapped.

"Yes," he bit out.

"Did you look at them?" There was a long pause, then, "Yes."

I exhaled.


I think you're a total a**hole for letting me go to Dr.

Petersen's office when you knew you weren't coming because you were going out with another woman instead.

That's just serious douchebag territory, Gideon.

And worse, it was a Kingsman event, too, which should've had some sentimental value to you, considering that's how - " There was the abrupt scraping noise of a chair being shoved back.

I rushed on, desperate to say what needed to be said before he hung up.

"I think you're a coward for not coming right out and saying we're over, especially before you started f**king around with someone else."


Goddamn it."

"But I want you to know that even though the way you've handled this is f**king wrong and you've broken my heart into millions of tiny pieces and I've lost all respect for you, I don't blame you for how you feel after seeing those pictures of me.

I get it."


His voice was little more than a whisper, making me wonder if Corinne was with him even now.

"I don't want you to blame yourself, okay? After what you and I have been through - not that I know what you've been through because you never told me - but anyway ."

I sighed and winced at how shaky it came out.

Worse, when I opened my mouth again, my words were watery with tears.

"Don't blame yourself.