Reflected in You(220)

On the ride over, my dad asked me the same sort of investigative questions about Cary's attack as the detectives had asked Cary in the hospital.

I tried to keep him distracted with that discussion when we pulled up outside my building, but it didn't do any good.

My dad's eagle eyes took in the modern glass overhang attached to the brick fa?ade of the building.

He stared at the doorman, Paul, who touched the brim of his hat and opened the door for us.

He studied the front desk and concierge, and rocked back on his heels as we waited for the elevator.

He didn't say anything and kept his poker face on, but I knew he was thinking about how much my digs must cost in a city like New York.

When I showed him into my apartment, his sweeping gaze took in the size of the place.

The massive windows had a stunning view of the city, and the flat- screen television mounted on the wall was just one of the many top-of-the- line electronics on display.

He knew I couldn't afford the place on my own.

He knew my mother's husband was providing for me in ways he would never be able to.

And I wondered if he thought about my mother, and how what she needed was also beyond his means.

"The security here is really tight," I told him by way of explanation.

"It's impossible to get past the front desk if you're not on the list and a resident can't be reached to vouch for you."

My dad exhaled in a rush.

"That's good."


I don't think Mom could sleep at night otherwise."

That made some of the tension leave his shoulders.

"Let me show you to your room."

I led him down the hallway to the guest room suite.

It had its own bathroom and mini-bar with fridge.

I saw him noting those things before he dropped his duffel on the king-size bed.

"Are you tired?" He looked at me.

"I know you are.

And you have to work today, don't you? Why don't we nap for a bit before you have to get up?" I stifled a yawn and nodded, knowing I could use the couple of hours of shut-eye.

"Sounds good."

"Wake me when you're up," he said, rolling his shoulders back.

"I'll make the coffee while you're getting ready."


My voice came husky with suppressed tears.