Reflected in You(217)

He's completely cut me off emotionally.

Honestly, I'm beginning to get whiplash.

I'm also worried that his change in behavior is because of Corinne.

Every time we've hit one of these walls, it's because of her."

I looked at my fingers, which were twisted around each other.

They reminded me of my mother's habit of twisting handkerchiefs, and I forced my hands to relax.

"It almost seems like she's got some kind of hold on him and he can't break free of it, no matter how he feels about me."


Petersen looked up from his typing, studying me.

"Did he tell you that he wasn't going to make his appointment on Tuesday?" "No."

The news hit me hard.

"He didn't say anything."

"He didn't tell me, either.

I wouldn't say that's typical behavior for him, would you?" I shook my head.


Petersen crossed his hands in his lap.

"At times, one or both of you will backtrack a bit.

That's to be expected considering the nature of your relationship - you're not just working on you as a couple, but also as individuals so you can be a couple."

"I can't deal with this, though."

I took a deep breath.

"I can't do this yo- yo thing.

It's driving me insane.

The letter I sent him .

It was awful.

All true, but awful.

We've had some really beautiful moments together.

He's said some - " I had to stop a minute, and when I continued, my voice was hoarse.

"He's said some w-wonderful things to me.

I don't want to lose those memories in a bunch of ugly ones.

I keep debating whether I should quit while I'm ahead, but I'm hanging in here because I promised him - and myself - that I wouldn't run anymore.