Reflected in You(21)

Gideon and I were both going to have to stand and fight for this, for us, if we were going to have any hope of making our relationship work.

"Do I owe you now?" I asked neutrally, returning Mark's wave as he left for lunch.

Magdalene exhaled in a rush.

"Gideon and I have known each other a long time.

Our mothers are best friends.

You and I will see each other around, Eva, and I'm hoping we can find a way to avoid any awkwardness."

The woman had come up to me and told me that the minute Gideon "shoved his dick" in me, I was "done."

And she'd hit me with that at a moment when I was especially vulnerable.

"Listen, Magdalene, if you don't cause drama, we'll get by."

And since she was being so forthright .

"I can screw up my relationship with Gideon all by myself, trust me.

I don't need any help."

She laughed softly.

"That was my mistake, I think - I was too careful and too accommodating.

He has to work at it with you.

Anyway .

I've taken up my minute.

I'll let you go."

"Enjoy your weekend," I said, in lieu of thanks.

I still couldn't trust her motivation.

"You, too."

As I returned the receiver to its cradle, my gaze went to the photos of me and Gideon.

I was abruptly overwhelmed by feelings of greed and possession.

He was mine, yet I couldn't be sure from one day to the next whether he'd stay mine.

And the thought of any other woman having him made me insane.

I pulled open my bottom drawer and dug my smartphone out of my purse.

Driven by the need to have him thinking as fiercely about me, I texted him about my sudden desperate hunger to devour him whole: I'd give anything to be sucking your c*ck right now.

Just thinking about how he looked when I took him in my mouth .

the feral sounds he made when he was about to come .

Standing, I deleted the text the moment I saw it'd been delivered, then dropped my phone back in my purse.