Reflected in You(207)

"Steven," Mark scolded, frowning.


My nose wrinkled.

"Shawna told you."

"Of course she did," Steven said.

"Least she can do after not inviting me along to the concert.

But don't worry.

She's not a gossip.

She won't be telling anyone else."

I nodded, having no anxiety about that.

Shawna was good people, but it was still embarrassing having my boss know I'd kissed one man while dating another.

"Not that it would be a bad thing for Cross to get a taste of his own medicine," Steven muttered.

I frowned, confused.

Then I caught Mark's sympathetic gaze.

I realized the g*y newspaper wasn't the only news they'd seen.

They must have seen the photos of Gideon and Corinne, too.

I felt my face flush with humiliation.

"He'll get a taste," I muttered.

"If I have to cram it down his throat."

Steven's brows shot up, and then he laughed and patted my hand.

"Get him, girl."

* * *

I'd barely returned to my desk when my work phone rang.

"Mark Garrity's office, Eva - " "Why is it so damn difficult for you to follow orders?" Gideon asked harshly.

I just sat there, staring at the collage of photos he'd given me, pictures of us looking connected and in love."Eva?" "What do you want from me, Gideon?" I asked quietly.

There was a moment of silence, then he exhaled.

"Cary will be moved to your apartment this afternoon under the supervision of his doctor and a private nurse.

He should be there when you get home."

"Thank you."

Another stretch of quiet filled the line between us, but he didn't hang up.