Reflected in You(199)

"Just my finding out about them is?"His arms crossed.

"You need to trust me, Eva."

"You're making that impossible! Why didn't you tell me that you were going out to dinner with Corinne?" "Because I knew you wouldn't like it."

"But you did it anyway."

And that hurt.

After all we'd talked about over the weekend .

after he'd said that he understood how I felt .

"And you went out with Brett Kline knowing I wouldn't like it."

"What did I tell you? You're setting the precedent for how I handle my exes."

"Tit for tat? What a remarkable show of maturity."

I stumbled back from him.

There was none of the Gideon I knew in the man facing me.

It felt as if the man I loved had disappeared and the man standing in front of me was a total stranger in Gideon's body.

"You're making me hate you," I whispered.

"Stop it."

Something passed briefly over Gideon's face, but it was gone before I could identify it.

I let his body language do the talking for him.

He stood far from me, with his shoulders stiff and his jaw tight.

My heart bled and my gaze dropped.

"I can't be around you right now.

Let me go."

Gideon moved to the other bank of elevators and pushed the call button.

With his back to me and his attention on the indicator arrow, he said, "Angus will pick you up every morning.

Wait for him.

And I prefer that you eat lunch at your desk.

It's best if you're not running around right now."

"Why not?" "I have a lot of things on my plate at the moment - " "Like dinner with Corinne?" " - and I can't be worrying about you," he went on, ignoring my interruption.

"I don't think I'm asking too much."

Something was wrong.

"Gideon, why won't you talk to me?" I reached out and touched his shoulder, only to have him jerk away as if I'd burned him.