Reflected in You(185)

You're my daughter.

You can't be that na?ve."

"Eva!" I turned at the sound of my name and felt a rush of relief to see Trey hurrying toward me.

He was of average height and nicely muscular, with unruly blond hair, hazel eyes, and a slight angle to his nose that told me it'd been broken at some point.

He was dressed in faded, frayed jeans and a T- shirt, and I was struck by the fact that he wasn't Cary's usual flashy type.

For once, it seemed, the attraction had been more than skin deep.

"I just found out," he said when he reached me.

"Detectives came by my work this morning and questioned me.

I can't believe this happened Friday night and I'm only just finding out about it."

I couldn't hold his slightly accusatory tone against him.

"I just found out early this morning myself.

I was out of town."

After a quick introduction between my mother and Trey, she excused herself to go sit with Cary, leaving me to elaborate on the information Trey had gleaned from the detectives.

Trey shoved his hands through his hair, making it look even messier.

"This wouldn't have happened if I'd taken him with me when I left."

"You can't blame yourself for this."

"Who else do I blame for the fact that he's screwing around with another guy's girl?" He gripped the back of his neck.

"I'm the one who's not enough for him.

He's got the drive of a hormonal teenager and I'm working or in school all the damn time."


Total TMI.

It was a struggle not to wince.

But I understood that Trey likely didn't have anyone else he felt comfortable discussing Cary with.

"He's bisexual, Trey," I said softly, reaching out to run a comforting hand down his biceps.

"That doesn't mean you're lacking."

"I don't know how to live with this."

"Would you consider counseling? With both of you, I mean."

He looked at me with haunted eyes for a long minute; then his shoulders slumped.

"I don't know.

I think I have to decide if I can live with him cheating.