Reflected in You(166)

We took a few more steps before he said, "I'll get it for you."

"I'll go with you."

He hadn't told me why yet, but he'd told me once that the Vidal home was a nightmare for him.

I suspected that whatever was at the root of his parasomnia had taken place there.

Gideon's chest expanded on a deep breath.

"I can have it couriered."

"All right."

I turned my head to kiss his bruised knuckles where they rested on my shoulder.

"But my offer stands."

"What did you think of my mother?" he asked suddenly.

"She's very beautiful.

Very elegant.

She seemed gracious."

I studied him, seeing Elizabeth Vidal's inky black hair and stunning blue eyes.

"She also seems to love you a lot.

It was in her eyes when she looked at you."

He kept looking straight ahead.

"She didn't love me enough."

My breath left me in a rush.

Because I didn't know what had given him such tormenting nightmares, I'd wondered if maybe she'd loved him too much.

It was a relief to know that wasn't the case.

It was awful enough that his father committed suicide.

To be betrayed by his mother, too, might be more than he could ever recover from.

"How much is enough, Gideon?" His jaw tightened.

His chest expanded on a deep breath.

"She didn't believe me."

I came to a dead stop and pivoted to face him.

"You told her what happened to you? You told her and she didn't believe you?" His gaze was trained over my head.

"It doesn't matter now.

It's long done."