Reflected in You(163)

He lifted my hand to his lips to kiss my fingertips.

"And I don't care what anyone else thinks.

We've got our own rhythm and it works for us."

"Does it work for you?" I grabbed my bottle of iced tea off the coffee table and took a drink.

"I know it drains you.

Do you ever think it's just too hard or too painful?" "You do realize how suggestive that sounds, right?" "Oh my God."

I laughed.

"You're terrible."

His eyes sparkled with amusement.

"That's not what you usually say."

Shaking my head, I went back to eating.

"I'd rather argue with you, angel, than laugh with anyone else."


It took me a minute to be able to swallow the last bite in my mouth.

"You know .

I love you madly."

He smiled.

"Yes, I know."

* * *

After we'd cleaned up the mess from lunch, I tossed the sponge into the sink and said, "I need to make my Saturday phone call to my dad."

Gideon shook his head.

"Not possible.

You'll have to wait 'til Monday."

"Huh? Why?" He caged me to the counter by gripping the edge on either side of me.

"No phones."

"Are you serious? What about your cell phone?" I'd left mine at home before we went to the concert, knowing I had no place to carry it and having no intention of using it anyway.

"It's heading back to New York with the limo.

No Internet, either.

I had the modem and phones taken out before we got here."

I was speechless.