Reflected in You(139)

He climbed right into the back of the limo with me, and when Shawna hopped in a moment later, Angus shut the door as if everything was totally f**king normal.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snapped at Arnoldo, scrambling for the door handle as the limo rolled smoothly into motion.

It wouldn't open and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to unlock.

"He's your friend! You're just going to leave him like that?" "He's your boyfriend."

The calm neutrality in Arnoldo's voice cut me deep.

"And you are the one who left him like that."

I slumped back into the seat, my stomach churning and my palms damp.

Gideon .

"You're the Eva in the song 'Golden,' aren't you?" Shawna asked quietly, from her position on the opposite bench seat.

Arnoldo started, obviously surprised by the connection.

"I wonder if Gideon - " He sighed.

"Of course he knows."

"That was a long time ago!" I said defensively.

"Not long enough, apparently," he pointed out.

Desperate to get to Gideon, I couldn't sit still.

My feet tapped, my body battling against restlessness so intense I felt like crawling out of my skin.I'd hurt the man I loved and through him, another man who'd done nothing more than be himself.

And I had no good explanation for it.

Looking back, I had no idea what had come over me.

Why hadn't I pulled away sooner? Why had I kissed Brett back? And what was Gideon going to do about it? The thought that he might break up with me triggered overwhelming panic.

I was sick with worry.

Was he hurt? God .

the thought of Gideon in pain ate at me like acid.

Was he in trouble? He'd assaulted Brett.

My palms went damp when I remembered Cary's news that his clusterf**k buddy also wanted to press assault charges.

Gideon's life was spiraling out of control - because of me.

At some point he was going to realize I wasn't worth the trouble.

I glanced at Shawna.

She was looking out the window pensively.

I'd blown her awesome night.

And Arnoldo's, too.