Reflected in You(136)

"It was awesome.

You guys sound really great.

I'm happy for you."

He took a step forward for every one of mine backward.

"I was hoping I'd find you like this, at one of the shows.

I had a hundred different ideas about how it might go if I saw you at one."

I didn't know what to say to that.

The tension between us was so thick it was hard to breathe.

The attraction was still there.

It was nothing like what I felt with Gideon.

Nothing more than a shadow of that, but it was there nonetheless.

I retreated back out into the open, where the activity was high and there were lots of people milling around.

"Why are you running?" he asked.

In the pool of light from a parking lot lamp, I saw him clearly.

He was even better looking than before.

"I can't ."

I swallowed.

"There's nothing to say."


The intensity of his glare burned through me.

"You stopped coming around.

Didn't say a word, just stopped showing up.

Why?" I rubbed at the knot in my stomach.

What was I going to say? I finally grew a pair and decided I deserved better than to be one of the many chicks you f**ked in a bathroom stall between sets? "Why, Eva? We had something going and you just f**king disappeared."

Turning my head, I looked for Gideon or Angus.

Neither was anywhere in sight.

The limo waited alone.

"It was a long time ago."

Brett lunged forward and caught me by the arms, startling me, briefly frightening me with the sudden aggressive movement.

If we hadn't been so near other people, it might have triggered panic.