Sweet Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #2) - Ivy Layne Page 0,110

on the last page with a flourish. Shoving the papers in front of her, I handed her the pen. “Your turn, partner.”

With a watery smile, Grams leaned over and signed. When she was done, she wrapped her arms around me, rocking me back and forth. “You are my baby. From the moment you were born you were mine, and you always will be. Now, go home to Royal and get ready for your date. I have that tart you made all boxed up and ready to go.”

“I love you, Grams, no matter what.”

“I know you do, Daisy girl. But not as much as I love you. Now get out of here.”

I wasn't going to argue with my grandmother. One more tight hug and I bolted for the door, checking my phone to see if I still had time for a quick shower. I had a date to get ready for.

Epilogue: Part Two


Daisy was floating on air when she got home from work, her grin lighting her whole face. Good thing. I needed her in a good mood tonight. I had plans for us, and a smiling Daisy was a good start.

“What happened?”

“I'll tell you in a minute, just have to change first.”

She was in and out of the shower in a flash and so tempting in her flannel bathrobe I thought about changing my plans and dragging her off to bed right then.

Not going to happen.

Hope and Savannah would kill me after they'd pitched in to make tonight happen.

“So, where are we going?” Daisy asked, still smiling.

“You'll figure it out.” I smiled back, absurdly happy just to have her here, living in my space, waking up with me and falling asleep in my arms. The past few weeks had been better than any dream. Daisy's parents had wreaked havoc, but they were long gone. Vanessa was in jail, J.T. was on the mend, Daisy was back at the bakery, and we hadn't had an incident at The Inn since the day Vanessa was arrested.

Everything should have been perfect. It was. Almost. Taking Daisy's hand, I led her out the back door to the gardens behind Heartstone Manor.

“Are we going where I think we're going?”

“Wait and see,” I teased, though we were going exactly where she thought we were going. While the rest of the family had explored the watchtower, secretly, I thought of it as ours.

“Are you going to tell me what has you in such a good mood?”

Daisy's smile was almost blinding. Swinging our clasped hands between us, she spilled. “Grams brought me a partnership agreement for the bakery! Harvey drew up the papers for her. 50/50 partners.”

I stopped in my tracks, closing my hands around her waist and swinging her into a high circle. “That's amazing. I knew Eleanor was going to come to her senses. And it's what you wanted.”

“Exactly what I wanted. I convinced myself it wasn't going to happen. She's been so weird lately.”

I took Daisy’s hand again, and we continued down the path to the watchtower. “A little weird is normal after everything that went down.”

“True. And she said she forgave me for the money I took.” Daisy sounded surprised. I wasn't. Eleanor might have been swayed by Darren for a while, but she loved Daisy too much to hold one mistake against her.

“Now everything is perfect.” Daisy sidled closer to me, tipping her head against my shoulder as we walked. Not quite perfect, but close. Now that Eleanor had made Daisy a partner, there was only one thing missing.

Candlelight welcomed us as I pushed open the door to the watchtower. Protected by an ancient glass globe, the light swayed in the breeze from the open door, changing the familiar room into something out of a dream.

Scents drifted from above, savory and sweet, drawing us up the curving staircase. Daisy climbed through the trap door first, stopping at the top to take in the room, her mouth open in surprise.

“When did you do all of this?” she asked in wonder.

I followed her into the top level of the watchtower, grinning in satisfaction at the scene I'd created with the help of Hope, Savannah, and—oddly enough—Finn. Flowers filled the room. Roses, lilies, daisies, and everything in between. Some of the arrangements were formal, some little more than wildflowers stuck in a jar, but more than anything, they were abundant. As in every available surface was covered with flowers. Every surface but the bed and the small table set for two.

I moved to the bottle

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