Sweet Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #2) - Ivy Layne Page 0,109

me get through this. I know you have a date tonight.”

At that thought, I snapped my mouth shut. I did have a date, and if I didn't stop interrupting her, neither of us would get out of here.

“I went to see Harvey,” Grams went on when it was clear I was going to shut up. “I changed my will. I'm sorry to say your father and Sheree are no longer included. When I go, everything I have will go to you, except for a few personal bequests, including J.T.”


Her eagle-eyed stare had me closing my mouth. Okay, I'd wait until she was done. But what more could there be?

“You don't have to do anything about the will, that's signed and safe with Harvey. I do need you to read this, and if you want to, sign it.”

Grams opened the manila envelope and slid a stack of papers in front of me. It took me a few seconds to realize what they were. A partnership agreement. My fingertips hovered over the first page, afraid to touch it.

Grams cleared her throat and started to talk again, this time a little hesitant. “We never talked about you quitting. I don't know if you want to stay, or if you're just waiting for me to get back in the swing of things. But if you want to stay, I want you to do it as my partner. 50/50, even split. If anything happens to either of us, the bakery goes to the surviving partner. If either of us wants to leave, the other has first chance to buy out the other’s share.”

“Really?” Hot tears spilled over my cheeks. I didn't want to leave the bakery. No way. I wanted to stay and work with Grams. I just wanted the assurance that my dad wasn't going to sweep back in and take it all away. Not that he could considering that pesky warrant, but it was more the uncertainty.

I hadn't expected this. I'd wanted it, but Grams had been so reserved…

She nudged the papers closer to me. “I should have said something earlier, but I wanted these first. So it wasn't another promise. I wanted to show you this is real.”

“And all I have to do is sign them, and we're partners in Sweetheart Bakery?” It seemed too good to be true.

“Read them first, but yes. If that's what you want.”

“It is, it really is, but Grams, what about the money?”

“The money you gave your father?” I nodded. “We're writing that off as a bad investment and moving on. Your heart was in the right place. But let's agree, no major withdrawals unless we both sign off.”

I swallowed hard, blinking back my tears. “That sounds like a good idea. I'm going to read these now.”

I did have that date to get to, but I couldn't bring myself to do this later. Grams and I would both feel better once these papers were signed and we could put all of this behind us. Grams rose to finish wiping down the last worktable except the spot where we were sitting. I sent Royal a quick text telling him I was running a few minutes late and got to reading.

The partnership agreement was straightforward and exactly as Grams had described. When I was done reading, I looked up to see Grams hovering. I wanted to sign for me because this was what I wanted most for my career, more than anything else. And I wanted to sign if doing so would take that hesitant look off Grams' face. I wanted my teasing, loving, slightly crazy, hippie Grandmother back. Not this worried shell of herself.

“As soon as I sign this, we're partners?”

“Harvey has to file it for us, but basically, yes. Daisy, is this what you want? Are you sure? If you wanted to follow J.T. and go to culinary school—”

“I don't. I want to stay here and run Sweetheart with you. I want to add that outside seating, maybe next summer, and try pop-up lunches. I want this, Grams.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I want this too. I don't know what I was thinking with—”

I shot up a hand. “Stop apologizing. I know how persuasive he is. Do I need to remind you about the money? If you're giving me a free pass on that, you can give yourself one for falling for his crap. We were both dumb, and we won't be dumb again.”

I dropped my hand and braced it against the papers, holding them still to sign

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