Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,99

“You are somebody, Connor. Just because you’re not a famous baseball player, doesn’t make your life meaningless.”

“I’m a dentist, Kira,” he said.

“A damn good one. Being a dentist takes brains and determination, and don’t you dare let anyone make you feel less for being one. If my parents were alive, you have no idea how thrilled they’d be that I was dating a dentist. They would have loved you, Connor. They really would have. Hell, my brother likes you. Do you know how rare that is? Gideon is hard to win over, and you did it in a single conversation.”

She reached up and cupped his face. “I know it’s hard being back here, I know it has terrible memories for you, but do not let it make you feel less. You are amazing.”

He kissed her gently before resting his forehead against hers. “You’re the amazing one.”

“I am pretty great,” she said.

He laughed and kissed her again. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my past, it’s just… it’s still difficult.”

“I get that,” she said. “But you know that you can tell me anything, right? I’m not going to judge you for anything.”

“I know,” he said as guilt seeped into his belly. “I’ll try to be more open with you.”

“Good. What did Lisa say that upset you?”

He hesitated and she gave him a gentle poke in the chest. “This is an excellent time for you to work on being more open with me.”

He smiled a little. “She wanted to get back together with me.”

“What?” Her look of indignation was adorable. “She actually said that to you?”


“With me right there?”


“I thought she was so sweet,” Kira said, “and then she tried to steal my man right out from under my nose. She’s lucky we’re not still at that wedding. I’d punch her right in her gorgeous face.”

He laughed and she wrinkled her nose at him. “I’ve got a cop brother. I know how to punch someone.”

“Fine, but what do you think Gideon would say if I called him and told him you were sitting in a jail cell in Willington for assault.”

“She would be the type to press charges, wouldn’t she?” Kira said.

“If you messed up her face, yep.”

Kira sighed. “I hate that she’s so beautiful.”

“She’s not nearly as beautiful as you.” He stroked his thumb across her bottom lip. “She’s dog food and you’re prime rib.”

She burst into laughter. “Seriously? You’re comparing my looks to meat? Connor, I love you, but you have got to work on your compliments.”

He sucked in a breath. “You love me?”

Her face flushed and she stared at her lap. He cupped the back of her neck and tugged her head up, staring intently at her. “Do you love me, Kira?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I do.”

His chest tightened and happiness flowed through him like a tsunami. “I love you too.”

Her smile lit up the room and she mashed her mouth against his. He angled his mouth over hers, licking the seam of her lips until she opened her mouth and he could taste her sweetness with his tongue.

She pulled back, gasping a little, and tore at his tie. “Get naked, now.”

He grinned and shrugged out of his jacket. “Whatever you say, little Kira.”

* * *

“You wanna grab a drink at the Beaver?” Gideon asked. “It’s still early.”

“Sure.” Connor pulled out his phone. “Just let me text Kira and let her know I’ll be a little while. I told her we were just going to the movies.”

He sent off a quick text to Kira as Gideon drove toward the pub. “How’s work going?”

Gideon shrugged. “Fine. Lots of domestic calls this weekend. How was the wedding? I haven’t really talked to Kira since you got back.”

“It was a wedding,” Connor said. “My cousin was happy, so I guess that’s what matters.”

“You and Kira pretty serious now?” Gideon pulled into the parking lot and parked before staring at Connor.

“We are.” He didn’t look way from Gideon’s gaze.

The big man nodded. “I’m glad. You’re good for her. Let’s get that drink.”

Connor followed him into the Thirsty Beaver. He had a feeling that was about all the praise he’d get from the sheriff, but oddly it was enough.

The pub was fairly full for a Wednesday night, but they found a table easily enough. They sat down and ordered a couple of beers. Connor glanced around the pub, scowling a little when he saw Daniel sitting at the bar. He was drinking a beer and staring at the television behind the bar.

“Is Daniel drinking

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