Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,100

alone?” he asked Gideon.

Gideon just shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. The guy’s an idiot. I’m gonna hit the head, I’ll be right back.”

As Gideon walked away, Connor’s cell phone buzzed. He read the reply from Kira and, smiling a little, texted her back before stuffing his phone into his pocket. He reached for his beer, pausing when he realized Daniel was standing in front of his table.

“Hey, doc.” The firefighter was swaying, and his eyes were bloodshot. He took another drink of beer before gripping the back of the chair for support.

“Hello, Daniel.”

“How’s it going?”

“Fine,” Connor said. “You?”

Daniel shrugged and took another drink of beer. “Where’s Kira?”

“She’s at home.”

“You living with her now?”

Connor didn’t reply and Daniel cocked an eyebrow at him. “Why so quiet, doc?”

“I guess I have nothing to say to you,” Connor said.

“Is there a reason you hate me?” Daniel asked.

“You mean other than because of the way you used Kira for years?”

Daniel snorted loudly. “You don’t know shit about me and Kira.”

“I know you took advantage of her kindness. I know you used her and didn’t think once about her feelings.”

Daniel leaned forward, swaying unsteadily. “Kira and I have a special relationship. One that worked just fine until you showed up.”

“It wasn’t special,” Connor said. He was trying not to be pissed, but something about Daniel poked every one of his buttons.

“Yeah it was. Maybe you just don’t like the fact that your girl loved me before she ever loved you.”

“It wasn’t love. It was a crush and you didn’t mean that much to her,” he said.

“No?” Daniel straightened. “’Cause just this morning, I heard Addie talking on the phone to Harper. Guess they haven’t talked for a while because she had a lot to say. Especially about Kira. “

Connor’s nostrils flared as Daniel gave him a drunken grin. “Turns out that sweet little Kira was holding on to her virginity for me. For years she waited, doc. That kind of sounds like I meant a little something to her. Don’t you think?”

Connor stood, his hands in tight fists at his side. “Shut your fucking mouth, Daniel.”

“I’m just sayin’, if a woman is waiting for a man to be her first, it means something. Of course, according to my sister, you came along and convinced her to give up her v-card. Pretty bold move, doc.”

His urge to punch Daniel was almost too great to ignore. Afraid he would act on it, he shoved past the firefighter, his body going tense when Daniel grabbed his arm.

“Let go of me, Daniel.”

Daniel leaned closer, the scent of beer clinging to him. “How did it feel, doc? Taking something that belonged to me.”

Connor snarled with anger and punched Daniel in the face. There was immediate pain in his hand, so strong it made him feel sick, but he ignored it as Daniel fell backwards onto the table. Blood gushed from his nose, it was canting to the left, and there were startled shouts and cries from the people closest to them.

Connor leaned over and grabbed Daniel by the collar. More pain flared in his hand, it felt like the bones were grinding together, and he grunted with pain before glaring at the bleeding firefighter.

“Get off me,” Daniel’s voice was thick from the blood that had flowed into his mouth.

“If you say one more word about her, if you even say her name, I’ll knock every one of your goddamn teeth out. Do you hear me, you son of a bitch?” Connor said.

An arm hooked around his throat and he was dragged back. He clawed at the arm with his good hand and was shaken roughly for his trouble.

“Enough.” Gideon’s voice spoke into his ear. Connor relaxed and Gideon released him before stepping between him and Daniel. “What the fuck is going on here?”

“He started it.” Daniel spit out some blood and pressed his t-shirt to his nose.

“Fuck you,” Connor said. He shook out his hand, wincing when it sent pain flaring straight up his arm.

Gideon stared at Connor’s rapidly swelling hand. “Well, that’s broken.”

“It’s fine,” Connor said.

“It isn’t,” Gideon said. “Trust me, I’ve seen enough broken hands to know.” He turned and studied Daniel’s face. “And your nose is definitely broken. C’mon, both of you need to go to the hospital.”

“No fucking way,” Connor said.

“I’m not going with him,” Daniel said.

“Both of you shut the fuck up and get in my car,” Gideon said as he threw some bills on the table. “You’re fucking lucky I’m taking you to the

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