Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,89

is Gideon’s house key. Tank’s food is in the pantry, lower shelf. He gets five cups of dry food. Just let him out into the backyard to pee, you don’t have to take him for a walk or anything. Okay?”

“Okay,” Grace said. She rubbed delicately at her temples and Kira gave her a guilty look.

“I’m sorry, are you sure you don’t mind doing this? I know you’re really tired.”

“No, it’s fine. Tank needs to be let out and it’s not like I’m going to sleep anyway, right?” Grace took the key from her. “Good luck at your showing, text me and let me know how it goes.”

* * *

She was in Gideon’s house. No big deal. She’d been in his house before. Sure, it was always with Kira, but so what? Gideon knew she was here. It wasn’t like she was sneaking in or spying on him or something.

She opened the back door and looked for Tank. She rubbed her thigh where the flesh still stung. The minute she’d stepped into Gideon’s house, Tank had come flying toward her. She’d gotten him to sit before he could knock her over, but as she was leading him to the back door, his madly-wagging tail had whacked her a few times on the thigh. She’d be lucky if she didn’t have a bruise tomorrow.

Tank was sniffing the fence line along the back of the yard and she called his name. He snapped his head up, his big goofy grin making her smile as his wagging tail thudded out a booming rhythm against the fence.

“C’mon, big guy,” she said. “Time to eat.”

The big dog bounded across the yard and straight into the house, knocking her against the wall as he rushed past her. She followed him to the kitchen where he was already sitting next to his dog dish by the pantry door, his tongue lolling from his mouth.

She measured out the five cups of dog food, it filled the bowl to the brim, and set it in front of him. He stared at her, his tail thumping against the floor and she made a go on motion. “Eat, Tank.”

He chuffed happily and stuck his face in his food dish. She left the kitchen and walked past the living room and down the narrow hallway to the first door on the right. It was Gideon’s office and she studied his pin-neat desk, the books arranged by size and colour in his bookshelf, and the certificates that lined the wall behind his desk.

She liked her place tidy, but Gideon was a total neat-freak. How he kept his place so clean with a giant, slobbery, hairy dog, she’d never know.

The door on the left was a half-bath. She used it and washed her hands before hesitating at the bottom of the stairs. She could hear Tank still crunching away and she climbed the stairs, walking past the guest room that was actually a home gym, and the guest bathroom before stopping at the end of the hallway.

Gideon’s bedroom door was closed, and she cast a guilty look behind her before opening the door and stepping inside. Her gaze was immediately glued to the king size bed centered between the two windows on the far wall. Although his bedroom was as neat and tidy as the rest of his house, he, weirdly, hadn’t made his bed.

She stared for a long time at his unmade bed before walking slowly toward it. She sat down on the side of the bed, staring at the door to the master bathroom before kicking off her shoes and lying in his bed.

Gracie! What are you doing?

She turned her head and buried her face into his pillow, inhaling deeply. It smelled like him and her pussy immediately went wet. She clamped her legs together, resisting the urge to shove her hand down her pants, and inhaled again.

She turned on her side and reached down to grab the covers, pulling them up to her shoulders and burying her face in his pillow again.

Oh my god, Grace. Get out of his bed. Right now. Have you lost your damn mind?

She yawned and closed her eyes. It was so nice to be in his bed. It was stupidly comfortable, and Gideon’s scent was oddly relaxing. She yawned again, tucking her hand under his pillow and wiggling into a more comfortable position.

For the first time in days, she felt sleepy. Hell, she was more than just sleepy. Her eyelids felt like they had bricks weighing them

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