Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,88

the crutches for a cane.”

“Yes. He only did a half day, but I called him at lunch, and he said it went well. He can put weight on his leg using the cane and Grant apparently ordered this special kind of stool for him that raises high enough for him to sit while he’s looking at patient’s teeth.”

“Yeah, he was using it on the cavity filling this morning,” Grace said. “It’s good that he could come back to work so soon.”

“It really is,” Kira replied. “I know Connor was worried about letting Grant down, but he’s been very understanding.”

“So, now that you’re dating for real, are you more nervous or less nervous about attending his cousin’s wedding with him?” Grace asked.

“More, I think,” Kira said. “I want to make a good impression on his parents, you know?”

“What about his ex?” Grace said.

“I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m not worried that Connor is still in love with her or anything, but I don’t know why they broke up.”

“Connor didn’t tell you?” Grace said.

“No. I asked when we were first fake dating and he made it clear he wouldn’t talk about it with me.”

“But you’re actually dating now. Shouldn’t that be something he shares?”

“Is it any of my business though? They’re over and I’m assuming it was messy and painful which is why Connor won’t talk about it. I won’t push him about it.”

“Well,” Grace took another sip of coffee, “you’re a better girlfriend than me. I’d be dying to know the details. Hell, I am dying to know and he’s not even my boyfriend.”

“I think in a few more months, he’ll tell me. Connor takes a while to open up and I want to respect that. Not everyone can be an over sharer like me,” Kira said with a small smile.

She glanced at her phone. “Half an hour until my showing. Can you believe I’m showing a house tonight? Two weeks ago, I couldn’t find a client if my life depended on it. This morning, I had three different people call and ask me to show them some houses.”

“That’s awesome, Kira.”

“Thanks. Can you keep hanging out with me or do you want to go home to bed?” she asked.

“It’s only six,” Grace said.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look exhausted,” Kira said. “Are you not sleeping again?”

Grace stared at her coffee cup. “My old friend insomnia might be knocking at the door.”

“Oh, honey.” Kira reached out and squeezed her hand. “Did you take your medication for it?”

“You know I hate taking it. It makes me sluggish and slow and it doesn’t feel like real sleep anyway.”

“When was the last time you got a good night’s sleep?”

“I don’t remember,” Grace admitted. “I slept a couple hours last night at least.”

“Well, you should go home and have a hot bath and do your relaxation techniques,” Kira said. “You don’t need to stay here with me.”

“I want to be here,” Grace said. “Besides, none of that has been working, so what’s the point? I might as well do something productive like sit in the coffee shop and discuss my best friend’s sex life.”

Kira laughed and pulled her phone out of her purse when it rang. “Hey, Gideon. What’s up?”

She listened for a few minutes and then said, “I’m sorry, I can’t. I have a showing in like half an hour. Yeah, another one. Thanks, I’m really excited too. But I feel bad for poor Tank.”

She glanced at Grace. “Grace is here with me, I bet she’d be happy to stop at your place and feed Tank. What? No, she heard me… just wait a minute.”

She smiled at her best friend. “Gideon is working late. Would you mind stopping at his place and letting Tank out and feeding him? Maybe hang out with him for an hour or so?”

Grace crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t have a key to his place.”

“I’ll give you mine,” Kira said. “Please, Gracie? Poor Tank has been in the house all day. He’s hungry and he’s gotta pee.”

“Yeah, fine, okay. I’ll go,” Grace said.

“Great!” Kira smiled happily at her before saying into the phone, “Gideon? Grace is gonna check on Tank. I’ll give her my key to your place, okay? What? No, don’t be silly. She doesn’t mind. Why would she mind? Listen, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”

She ended the call and dug her keys out of her purse, taking off one of them and handing it to Grace. “This

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