Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,86

said before leaning down and pressing his mouth against hers.

As he slipped his tongue into her mouth, he ran his fingers down her stomach and between her legs. He rubbed at her clit as he sucked on her tongue and she clutched at his broad shoulders, kissing him back frantically.

She was so wet that she couldn’t get the friction she needed against her clit. She made a harsh sound of frustration as Connor lifted his head. “Shh, little Kira.”

She didn’t even feel a flicker of embarrassment when Connor used the sheet to wipe away some of her wetness before rubbing his fingers against her clit again. She moaned happily, sparks of pleasure igniting in her belly as Connor touched her with firm circles.

She clutched at his forearm, panting hard and rocking her pelvis against his fingers. He pushed two fingers inside of her, thrusting lightly as he continued to caress her clit with his thumb. He bent his head and sucked hard on her nipple.

She cried out and arched her back, staring sightlessly at the ceiling as the pleasure of her orgasm overtook her in slow, sweet waves. Connor touched her lightly, rubbing the wet lips of her pussy and avoiding her oversensitive clit as she turned her head and buried her face in his throat.

She pressed a kiss against his skin, and he stroked her inner thighs. “That sounded like a good one.”

“Hmmm.” She reached out blindly for his cock, smiling when her fingers brushed against the head and he moaned low in his throat.

She wrapped her fingers around him and stroked him, loving the way his body trembled against hers, the way the low groans of pleasure slipped from his mouth.

She lifted her head and pressed a kiss against his chin before releasing him and reaching for the condom. He carefully moved to his back and she handed the condom to him and then eased a pillow under his right knee.

“Thank you,” he said.

She nodded and watched as he opened the condom and rolled it down over his cock. When it was in place, she knelt beside him and gave him a tentative look. “Ready?”

“Yes, are you?” he asked.

“Unbelievably ready,” she said.

A smile crossed his face and he patted his stomach. “Well hop on then, cowgirl.”

She giggled and straddled him, being careful not to bump his right knee. She could feel his cock pressing against her clit and she rubbed a bit experimentally. Connor moaned and she grinned at him. “I think I’m really going to like being on top.”

He cupped her small breasts, flicking at her taut nipples with his thumbs. “I know I’m definitely enjoying it.”

“Okay, here we go,” she said.

She supposed that wasn’t a very romantic thing to say but Connor just smiled at her and reached between her legs to lightly rub her clit. “Go slow, honey. Take your time and if it hurts, don’t feel like you have to keep going. We can stop as many times as you need.”

She nodded and, feeling a little awkward, rose up on her knees, bracing one hand on Connor’s chest. He put both hands on her hips and lifted her a little. She reached down and grasped his cock, guiding it to her pussy and pressing it against her entrance. The head slipped in and she bit her lip at the new sensation.

“Okay?” His voice trembled with need, but his hands were steady as he gripped her hips.

“Yes,” she whispered. She took a deep breath and lowered her body in a smooth motion. His cock slid into her, there was a brief intense pop of pain and then she was sitting on top of him, her pussy full of his cock and her knees digging into his ribs.

She stared down at him and he caressed her hips and lower back. “How do you feel?”

“Weird. Kind of full and… weird,” she said and then blushed a little. “It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be.”

He rubbed her thighs. “That’s good.”

“Does it feel good for you?” she asked.

“Honey, you have no idea,” he said with a strained smile. “It’s pure torture to lie here and not move. Your pussy is so tight and wet.”

“Is your knee okay?” She glanced behind her, her body twisting a little and he groaned loudly.

“Yeah, it’s fine. Do you think you’re ready to move?”

She nodded and braced her hands on his chest before making a few experimental thrusts. He cried out, his hands tightening on her hips and she watched in

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