Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,85

harder than others. I have no idea if I’ll be a good girlfriend or not.”

He pulled her up tight against him and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “You’re a great girlfriend. You can’t expect yourself to be perfect at a relationship, honey.”

She smiled a little. “Neither can you.”

He paused. “I walked right into that, didn’t I?”


He laughed and kissed her forehead again. “Did we just decide to try dating for real?”

“I think we did,” she said.

The dimple in his cheek made an appearance. “Best day ever.”

“Actually,” she said, “I could think of one more thing that would make it the best day ever.”

“Oh yeah?” The heat in his eyes was making her nipples harden. “What’s that?”

“You and me banging like bunnies,” she said.

He burst into laughter. “So romantic.”

“To quote Gracie – that’s me, romantic as fuck,” Kira said. She took a deep breath. “In all seriousness, I want you to be my first, Connor. If you still want that?”

Connor smoothed her hair back from her face. “I want that so much, little Kira.”

“Then take me to your bed.”

* * *

She should have been nervous, right? She was about to have sex for the first time with the hottest man in Harmony Falls and that should have her filled with anxiety.

Except she wasn’t. Not one bit. Nope, she wasn’t feeling anything but a raging horniness and an almost frantic need to get Connor on the bed and inside of her.

They were standing next to the guest bed and she pulled Connor’s shirt off so roughly that he almost fell on the bed. She grabbed him around the waist. “Sorry, you okay?”

He grinned at her. “Fine. You can slow down, you know. We have all night.”

“Easy for you to say, you’ve had sex before,” she said. “I want to get to the good stuff.”

He laughed and tugged her shirt over her head, dropping it on the floor. “Fair enough. Are you okay with being on top for your first time?”

“Perfectly fine with it.” She pulled his shorts down his legs and then his briefs, making a small sound of excitement when she saw his cock. “Your dick is my new favourite thing.”

He was undoing her bra and she wiggled out of it, tossing it aside before unbuttoning her jeans and shoving them and her panties down her legs. She stepped out of them and kicked them aside. “Lie down on the bed, Connor.”

“Honey, we have plenty of time.” He pulled her close and she rubbed her abdomen against his erection, smiling when he inhaled sharply.

“I want you,” she said.

“I want you too. But I’m not rushing this,” he said.

She pouted at him and he kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re adorable when you pout. Still not rushing it.”

She kissed his chest and he cupped the back of her head, moaning quietly when she sucked on his flat nipple.

“You sure about that?” she said with a small grin.

He reached down and squeezed her ass. “Positive. Do you have any condoms?”

Horror rushed through her and she froze against him. “Shit! Dammit, I don’t have any condoms and I’m not on the pill. Fuck.”

He kissed her into silence before pointing at his wallet on the nightstand. “I’ve got a couple in my wallet.”

“Oh, thank God,” she said.

She wiggled out of his grip and grabbed his wallet, pulling a condom out and setting it on the nightstand as Connor carefully eased onto the bed. He was wearing the brace on his knee and he moved carefully until he was lying on his side facing her. He patted the bed. “Come here, little Kira.”

She eagerly climbed onto the bed, lying on her back beside Connor and staring up at him as he cupped one small breast. She arched her back when he teased her nipple with his thumb, her lower body moving restlessly.

“You’re so beautiful, honey,” he said. He dipped his head and she weaved her fingers into his hair as he licked around her nipple before sucking lightly on it. She closed her eyes, relishing in the feel of his warm mouth and tongue as he tasted and teased both her nipples.

Already she was soaking wet, she could feel liquid dripping down her thighs, and she widened her legs, silently urging him to touch her. Instead of touching her, he lifted his head and rested one heavy hand on her flat stomach, studying her face as she gave him a pleading look.

“Connor, I can’t wait. I really can’t.”

“I want you to come first,” he

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