Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,80

He stuck his hand out. “I’m Lucas Wright. I’m Connor’s best friend.”

“Connor’s best friend,” she repeated as she shook his hand. “You’re from Willington?”

His grin widened. “Yes, but don’t hold that against me. I live in New Cassel now.”

She continued to stare at him, and he cleared his throat. “Uh, is Connor here? He said he was staying with you while he recuperated.”

“Yes, of course.” She gave him an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, come in, please.”

“Thanks.” He followed her into the house and shut the door.

“Connor’s just in the living room. It’s this way.” Feeling extraordinarily stupid, she led him to the living room. “Connor, you have a visitor.”

Connor glanced up from his phone. A huge smile broke out across his face and her breath caught in her throat. God, he was so handsome.

“Lucas! What are you doing here?”

Lucas dropped onto the couch beside him and stretched out his long legs. “Had the afternoon off, figured what better way to spend a Thursday afternoon than driving a couple hours to visit my wounded little bird.”

Connor laughed. “Shut up. I can’t believe you came.”

“Did you not wonder why I texted you for Kira’s address?” Lucas said.

“I figured you were sending me flowers,” Connor said with a grin.

Lucas snorted laughter. “If I was gonna send anything it would have been a stripper-gram.”

“Shocking,” Connor replied.

Lucas studied his knee. “That looks like shit.”

“It was a lot worse,” Kira said. “It’s actually looking much better than it was.”

Both Lucas and Connor glanced at her and she blushed. Obviously, they had forgotten she was in the room and feeling like an intruder, she backed toward the doorway. “Sorry, I’ll leave and give you some privacy.”

Connor frowned. “You don’t have to leave your own house.”

“It’s fine. I have some errands to run this afternoon anyway. Lucas, it was really nice to meet you. Connor, just, um, text me if you need anything.”

She hurried out of the living room, grabbed her phone and her purse from the kitchen and left the house. She climbed into the car and sat for a minute, rubbing her forehead. Shit, she probably should have kissed Connor goodbye or something. It’s what a girlfriend was supposed to do.

If you think Lucas doesn’t know this is fake, you’re fooling yourself. He’s Connor’s best friend. He knows.

Yeah, probably. Connor would have told him the truth so not kissing him was fine. Perfectly fine.

Except you want to kiss Connor. Hell, you want to be his real girlfriend. Admit it, Kira.

No, she loved Daniel. She’d always love Daniel. He was perfect for her and they were meant to be together.


She groaned with frustration and turned the car on. She backed out of the driveway and drove down the street. She would go for a walk at the Falls while she waited for Gracie and Addie to finish work. It would help clear her mind.

* * *

“Say something, you guys,” Kira said.

Addison glanced at Grace before saying, “I don’t think we know what to say. You want to give Connor your virginity after saving it for years for my brother. You were in love with Daniel and now suddenly you’re not.”

“I am still in love with Daniel,” Kira said.

“Are you though?” Grace said.

“Shit. I don’t know anymore,” Kira said.

They were sitting in the small living room of Grace’s townhouse. Addison leaned forward and grabbed another pizza slice from the box sitting on the coffee table. She took a bite and chewed slowly. “It’s okay if your feelings change, Kira.”

“I don’t know what my feelings are,” Kira said. “I thought I loved Daniel, but now…”

“It sounds like Connor really likes you,” Grace said. “Why not give that a chance?”

“Just because he wants to be my first and thinks it’s special doesn’t mean he likes me,” Kira replied.

Grace arched one eyebrow at her. “Uh, that’s exactly what it means. Besides, you just told us that he told you he liked you. Remember?”

“Oh my God,” Kira leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, “this is so messed up.”

“What you need to decide,” Addison said, “is whether you want to have sex with Connor because you want some experience or because you want him to be your first rather than my brother.”

“My unsolicited opinion?” Grace said. “You should sleep with Connor. You might not want to admit this, but you like him, Kira-bear. You like him a lot. Besides, I’m pretty sure Daniel is gonna be a terrible lover. He’s a good guy but he is on the selfish side

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