Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,79

You’re sweet and kind and even after being dealt some shitty cards in life, you’re still so damn positive and upbeat. I’ve never met anyone like you before and when I’m with you, I...

He blew his breath out in a harsh rush. “You can say whatever you want, but I know your virginity is special to you. That makes it special to me. I know what it means to you and I hate that you think it’s okay to just give it to me because you want more experience.”

He stared at the wall over her head. “We have a lot of chemistry and connection and I understand the desire to go further. But, if we do this now, if we have sex just so you can get it over with and gain some experience, you will regret giving it to me.”

He swallowed hard. “I want to be your first, very much. But I would rather have you give your virginity to Daniel, than give it to me and regret it later.”

When she didn’t reply, weariness and disappointment sunk deep into his bones. Kira was in love with Daniel. Her desire to have sex with him was a spur of the moment thing, she’d been hopped up on pheromones and an orgasm high, and he’d gone and told her exactly how he felt. Now, it was awkward as hell and why didn’t he just keep his damn mouth shut?

Without looking at her, he turned to his other side, flinching when his right knee banged against his left.

“Connor? Is your knee okay?”

“It’s a little sore.” Stung by her obvious rejection, he said, “I’m really tired, Kira. I didn’t sleep well last night with you in the bed. Would you mind sleeping in your own bed tonight?”

“Oh, of course. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean, that is…”

Now he could hear the rejection and the hurt in her voice. Guilt made him turn to face her. “Kira, wait, I’m being an ass.”

“A bit, but I appreciate your honesty.” She slid out of the bed and grabbed her clothes from the floor. “Good night, Connor. Just text me if you need help in the night.”

She was gone before he could say anything else. He groaned and fell onto his back, massaging just above his right knee as he stared at the ceiling. Fuck, what did he just do?

Chapter Seventeen

Kira stared blankly out the kitchen window. The water was running in the sink and after a moment, she reached out and turned it off before studying her hands. What had she been doing?

Her brain churned dully before she grasped it. Right. Making iced tea. She grabbed the jug from the counter and filled it with water before setting it down. A squirrel was chittering away on a branch of the tree outside the window and she watched it for a while before making the iced tea.

She put the jug in the fridge, sat down at the table and stared in the direction of the living room. Today had been awful. Connor had spent all morning in his bedroom and barely eaten any lunch. He avoided looking at her and gave one-word answers to her questions. When he’d gone to have a shower, she hadn’t offered to help. She knew what his answer would be.

About half an hour ago he had crutched his way into the living room. She’d stuck her head into the room, tentatively asking him if he wanted anything. He shook his head and her plan to talk to him about last night dissolved under a wave of her own cowardice and the weariness on his face.

Her stomach was churning, and she rubbed at it as she listened to the faint sound of the TV. She’d barely slept last night, her mind turning over and over what Connor had said to her. She grabbed her phone off the table. She needed to talk to Grace and Addison. She would text them and see if they could meet her after work.

The doorbell rang and she shoved her phone into her pocket before walking down the hallway. She opened the door and stared blankly at the man standing on the front porch.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“You must be Kira,” he said.

She studied him. He was tall with short light brown hair and hazel coloured eyes. He was lean like Connor and he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a blue hoodie over top.

“Do I know you?” she said.

“Not exactly,” he said with a grin.

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