Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,60

you in a little bit.”

* * *

“I don’t think he should climb the porch steps on those crutches.” Kira gave Gideon a worried look as they stood at the bottom of the steps to her house.

Connor was standing to Gideon’s right, crutches tucked under his arms, and he made a pfft sound. “I’m fine. I’m a total pro at crutches. See?” He waved one crutch wildly in the air and Gideon grabbed his arm when he nearly fell on his ass.

“You’re also incredibly high,” Gideon said. “Kira, take his crutches and I’ll help him up the stairs.”

She moved to Connor’s other side but when she tried to take the crutches, he gave her a stubborn look. “I can do it.”

“You can’t,” she said. His pupils were blown, and he was swaying back and forth like a flower in the breeze. “Gideon’s right, you’re too high from that shot they gave you.”

“They put it in my butt cheek,” Connor said to Gideon. “The nurse just jabbed it in, didn’t warn me or anything. I didn’t cry though.”

“That’s good, buddy.” Gideon clapped Connor lightly on the back. “Give your crutches to Kira.”

“I don’t wanna.”

Oh my God, if she wasn’t so worried about him, she’d find Connor ridiculously adorable when he was hopped up on pain meds.

“Don’t argue, please,” she said. “Give me the crutches.”

“Give me a kiss.” Connor grinned at her.

Gideon rolled his eyes when Kira hesitated. “Oh, for God’s sake, Kira, just give him a kiss. I don’t have all damn day.”

She stood on her tiptoes and gave Connor a soft kiss. He licked the seam of her lips and she pulled back in a hurry. Playing tonsil tag with Connor in front of her brother wasn’t her idea of a good time.

“Crutches.” She held out her hands and gave Connor a stern look.

He handed them over as Gideon steadied him with a hand around his arm.

“How you wanna do this, big guy?” Connor said to Gideon. “Are we thinking a half hop, half drag combination or…”

With a loud grunt, Gideon picked him up like he was a knight rescuing a fair maiden, being careful not to touch Connor’s right knee encased in a brace. Kira swallowed her immediate spat of giggles as Connor made a high-pitched “Whee!” and slung his arm around Gideon’s shoulder.

Gideon staggered up the first step. “Fuck, man, how much do you weigh?”

Connor grinned at Kira over Gideon’s shoulder. “I look skinny but I’m all muscle, baby. Stupid fire boy thinks he’s strong, but I could totally beat him in an arm-wrestling contest.”

Gideon grunted his way up another step and Connor said, “What? I could. I’m way better for your sister than idiotic Daniel Moore.”

“You’re preaching to the choir, buddy,” Gideon puffed as he crested the final step.

Breathing heavily, he set Connor down on the porch.

“Wait, aren’t you supposed to carry me over the threshold?” Connor asked.

Kira giggled as Connor leaned against Gideon and batted his eyelashes at him. “It’s tradition, big fella.”

Gideon laughed. “Kira, give your boyfriend his crutches before he starts trying to make out with me.”

“I can’t help it if I’m a friendly guy,” Connor said as Kira helped him tuck the crutches under his arms. She unlocked and opened the front door.

Moving surprisingly quick, Connor crutched his way into the house and down the hallway.

“Guest room is down around the corner.” Kira walked behind him, keeping her hands out in case Connor fell over. He was a little wobbly, but he made it to the bed and collapsed on it with a soft sigh.

She helped him lift his leg onto the bed and then grabbed some extra pillows from the closet and placed them on the bed.

“Ready?” she asked.

Connor nodded, and bracing one hand under his thigh and the other under his calf, she raised his leg and slowly swung it over until it was resting on the tower of pillows. She tucked another under his head, and he gave her a sweet smile. “Thank you, honey.”

“You’re welcome.” She took the blanket from the end of the bed and tucked it around him as he yawned hugely. “Get some sleep.”

“Nappie-time,” he sang out before sliding a hand out from under the blanket and grabbing her wrist. “Kiss me.”

She pressed a kiss against his mouth, pulling back when he tried to deepen it. “Be good, Connor.”

“I am.” He traced her collarbone with his fingers. “Get naked and nap with me.”

“I’m still in the room,” Gideon said.

Connor’s eyes widened. In a loud whisper, he said,

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