Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,59

chart again. “Did they use hamstring or patella for the reconstruction?”

“Patella,” Connor said.

Kira listened quietly. They could have been talking Greek for all she understood.

“Okay. X-ray today and we’ll book you in for an MRI for tomorrow or Tuesday. That will tell us if you’ve re-ruptured the ACL or torn the MCL or PCL.”

“Do you think that’s what I’ve done?” Connor’s voice was like broken glass on gravel.

“We really won’t know without the MRI,” Jack said. “Sorry, Connor. In the meantime, you know the drill… keep your knee elevated, ice it, and no weight on it.”

“I’ve got an extraction tomorrow, a root canal and -”

Jack shook his head. “You need to take the week off from work.”

“Jack -”

“Nope,” Jack said. “No arguing. If you have re-torn or re-ruptured something, you don’t want to make it worse. Right?”


“Good. How’s your pain level? On a scale of one to ten?”

“Seven,” Connor said.

Jack turned to Kira. “You know him better than me. What’s his actual pain level?”

“Nine, closer to ten,” Kira said.

“Kira.” Connor gave her a pointed look.

“He couldn’t walk on it this morning,” she said. “I had to get my brother to come over and practically carry him to the bathroom and then to the car just to get him here. He was really pale and shaking and I thought he might throw up.”

“Okay,” Jack said. “We’ll send you home with a knee brace to keep it stable while we’re waiting for the MRI. I’ll write you a prescription for pain meds and an anti-inflammatory. But we’ll also give you a shot here at the hospital that’ll significantly reduce your pain level. Are you staying with Kira while you recuperate?”

“Oh, um…”

Connor looked like a deer in the headlights.

“He is,” Kira said. “I have a bathroom and a guest room on the main floor, so he won’t need to navigate any stairs or anything like that.”

“Perfect,” Jack said. “It’s slow at the moment, so it shouldn’t take long to get you the X-ray. Hopefully, we’ll have you doped up and out of here in the next few hours.”

He wrote something on Connor’s chart before smiling at Kira. “The shot we give him today will last twelve hours, but if you can get the prescription filled today, he can have two pills around eleven tonight, all right?”

Kira nodded. “Yes. I’ll stop at Walgreens and get it filled.”

“Good.” Jack turned to Connor. “The shot’s going to make you… loopy. Don’t be an idiot and try to get out of bed or anything like that on your own. Got it?”

“Yeah,” Connor said.

Jack grinned at Kira. “It’s well known that doctors make the worst patients. If he gives you any grief, just call me and I’ll come over and have a talk with him.”

Kira smiled at the doctor. He looked to be in his forties, and he was handsome with his dark hair and dark eyes, and tall, lean body. “I appreciate that, Dr. Reed. Thank you.”

“Call me Jack,” he said. “Connor, I’ll see you before you get discharged.”

“Thanks, Jack,” Connor said.

Jack left and Kira gave Connor a tentative smile. He studied her without speaking and she squeezed his hand. “Do you want me to ask them if you can have the shot before the X-ray?”

He shook his head. “No, I took some Tylenol before I called you. It’s helped a little.”

She gave him a disbelieving look that he ignored. He lowered his voice. “I appreciate you telling Jack that I could stay with you, but I’m not expecting you to play nursemaid. If you could just help me back to my apartment, I’ll be fine to -”

“No, you won’t be,” she said. “You heard what Jack said. You need to keep it up and rest and ice it. You need my help, Connor.”

“I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“You’re not,” she said. “I am happy to help. Staying at my place will make it easier for both of us. We’ll get you back to my place and once you’re settled, I’ll get your prescription filled and grab some clothes and toiletries from your place.”

“Thank you, Kira.” He gave her a grateful look. “I really appreciate it.”

“Of course,” she said. “It’s not a problem.”

His face suggested he didn’t quite believe her, but he nodded. “I need to call Grant, let him know what’s going on.”

“Okay.” She handed him his phone. “I’m going to run out to the waiting room and give Gideon an update. I’ll be back soon.”

She stood and leaned over, brushing her mouth against his. “See

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