Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,47

the back yard as Gideon grilled the steaks.

But now, it seemed like the niceties were over, and her stomach churned as she patted Tank on the butt. “Tank, go to your bed.”

The Great Dane had taken a liking to Connor and was currently standing in front of him, his long tail waving happily as he rested his big head on Connor’s shoulder. Connor patted his side as Gideon, said, “Tank, to your bed.”

The big dog chuffed but left the kitchen. Kira heard him make a loud sigh as he flopped down on the bed in the living room.

“Connor do you want another beer?” she asked.

He shook his head and sipped at his water. “No thank you. Water is good.”

She could almost feel Gideon’s silent approval. Not that her brother had anything against drinking beer, but Connor was driving and the fact that he stopped after one, would earn him a point in Gideon’s mind.

“This looks delicious,” Connor said as Gideon handed him the steaks. He took one and handed the plate off to Kira who took the smallest one. She put some salad on her plate and handed the salad bowl to Connor.

“So, about Kira not knowing where you live,” Gideon said again. “Any particular reason for that?”

Connor shook his head, squeezing Kira’s thigh under the table when she started to protest. “No, other than that my apartment is pretty small and not as nice as Kira’s place. We just naturally go to her place, but I’ll bring her by my apartment this weekend. Give her the tour.”

He cut into his steak and ate a piece. “Really good. Thanks.”

Gideon nodded and cut into his own steak. “So, you grew up in Willington?”

“I did. Born and raised.”

“Why’d you move here?”

“Gideon,” Kira said.

“What?” Gideon gave her an innocent look. “I’m just making conversation. What’s wrong with me getting to know your boyfriend?”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, but can you make it less like a police interrogation?” she said.

Connor laughed. “It’s fine, Kira. Really. I moved to Harmony Falls because I met Grant Henderson at a dental convention. We got along well and when he asked me to open a practice with him here, I said yes. The chance to be a partner in a dental firm before your thirty-five is rare and I didn’t want to give up that opportunity. Even if it meant leaving Willington.”

Gideon studied him before taking a bite of salad. “How do you like Harmony Falls?”

“It’s very clean,” Connor said.

Kira snorted laughter and Connor grinned at her. “What? It is. In all seriousness, I like it here. The people are nice, and the town is quiet. I do a lot of running at the Falls park and it’s surprisingly peaceful.”

“Wait until tourist season starts,” Kira said. “By the end of June this place has swelled to like three times its size. Those nice quiet runs through Falls park will be a thing of the past. None of the locals even go near the Falls or the park during tourist season. The campgrounds are overflowing with tourists.”

“Which is desperately needed by local businesses,” Gideon reminded her. “Those tourists bring in a lot of money to the town and are the reason why we can do things like build a shiny new sports complex.”

“I know,” Kira said. “I’m just saying – the town gets a little overrun by tourists.”

Connor grinned at her. “I’ve lived here for two years, remember? I know what it’s like.”

“Right.” She shook her head. “God, sorry. I haven’t slept well the last few nights so I’m not thinking straight.”

“Have you dated anyone else since you moved here?” Gideon asked.

“Subject change,” Kira said. “I saw on the Harmony Falls Daily website last night that they’ll be showing that firebug movie you like so much at the Falls Theatre. Did you see that?”

Gideon’s head shot up. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. You didn’t see it?”

“Firebug movie?” Connor gave her a confused look.

“She means Firefly and the movie is called Serenity, Kira,” Gideon said. “How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Maybe I’ve blocked it out because you made me watch the show and the movie so many times.” Kira turned to Connor. “I was eight when the show premiered. Gideon was babysitting me while Mom and Dad were out, and he made me watch the show with him. I was traumatized.”

“Please,” Gideon said. “There was nothing traumatizing about the show.”

“There was a bloody corpse hanging by its feet, Gideon!” Kira said.

“I would have thought Mal kicking Crow into

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