Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,46


“Hi, Kira.”

“Thanks for doing this.”

“Of course.”

“My brother lives on Wilshire Avenue.” She put her seatbelt on as he pulled out of the driveway.

“All right.”

There was silence and hating the awkwardness between them, she said, “Connor, I -”

“Kira, I shouldn’t -”

They both stopped and she smiled at him. “Go ahead.”

“I shouldn’t have acted the way I did on Saturday. I’m sorry. I was wondering if we could just, I don’t know, forget the fight and start over? I was in pain and being an idiot.”

“Yeah, I’m - I mean, I wasn’t exactly acting mature, so, I’m sorry too.”

“So, truce?” His dimple deepened when he smiled at her and a healthy dose of lust washed over her.

“Truce.” She silently thanked God she’d had the foresight to wear a tank top, t-shirt and a thick sweatshirt to hide her traitorous nipples. She’d discovered over the last few days that just thinking about Connor and his perfect mouth, made her nipples go hard. Seeing his mouth in person, with that stupidly adorable dimple, proved she didn’t stand a chance.

The idea that her brother might realize she was horny was too horrifying to even properly comprehend.

“So, uh, how was work this week?” she asked.

“Good, busy. How about you?”

“It’s been good. I have an appointment on Friday to show a client some commercial properties.”

“Oh yeah?” He glanced at her. “That sounds promising.”

“It is. It’s kind of weird though, he said I was recommended to him, but I don’t know who would have done that. I asked Rose and Ray if maybe they had done it, but neither of them had even heard of the guy before he came into our office.”

“Strange,” he said as he turned onto Wilshire.

“I thought so,” she said. “Gideon’s house is third on the right.”

He pulled into the driveway and parked before shutting the car off. She smiled at him. “I’m going to apologize in advance for the grilling you’re about to get from my brother.”

He grinned at her. “It’s cool. I can handle some big brother grilling.”

She sighed as she climbed out of the car. “See, you think you do, but you haven’t been subjected to Gideon yet. I mean, we’ll be lucky if he doesn’t handcuff you to the chair and, I don’t know, waterboard you or something.”

He laughed out loud as they met in front of the car. When he held out his hand, she took it and made a little squeak of surprise when he pulled her in close. “Don’t worry about me, little Kira. I promise I won’t crack under the pressure.”

He studied her mouth before leaning down and pressing a kiss against it. She returned his kiss, knowing she should keep it chaste, but unable to resist skimming her tongue along the seam of his lips. To her surprise, he parted them, and she slipped her tongue into his mouth, moaning quietly when he sucked on the tip.

He pulled back and she said, “I thought you weren’t into PDAs.”

He grinned and squeezed her hand. “Just putting on a show for big brother.”

Gideon was standing on the small front porch and she waved at him before muttering, “Shit.”

“What? Was that the wrong thing to do?” he asked. “I thought it might help with the suspicion.”

“No, it’s just...” she stared at her boobs. “Can you see my nipples?”


“My nipples? Are they, uh, visible? I wore layers but I’m not taking any chances. I am not walking up to my brother with hard nipples.”

“No, you can’t see them,” he said. “But if you don’t stop talking about your hard nipples, we’re gonna have a bigger problem. Trust me when I say that me sporting a full-on boner in front of your brother will be a much larger issue than your,” his gaze dipped to her breasts again, “hard nipples.”

A flush of heat went through her and her giggle was a little high-pitched. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…that is, I’m not….”

He squeezed her hand and gave her an adorable grin. “I know you didn’t. C’mon, let’s get the interrogation over with.”

* * *

“So, Connor, apparently you haven’t even told Kira where you live. Is that right?” Gideon set the plate of steaks down on the table as Kira brought over the bowl of salad and the grilled mushrooms.

“Knock it off, Gideon.” She sat down next to Connor at the table.

To her surprise, Gideon had been perfectly polite to Connor from the moment they walked in. He’d gotten them both a beer and they’d made small talk on the patio in

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