Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,4

and then text you her address.”

“Okay,” he said.

Grace grinned at him. “Thanks, Connor.”

“Yeah. Hey, does this Daniel guy even have any interest in Kira?” he asked. “There’s no point in doing this if it isn’t going to make him jealous.”

“I think so but in the interest of full disclosure – I don’t know for certain. Daniel is a total flirt with every woman he sees, but he could secretly be into her and just isn’t making his move because he’s afraid of her brother.”

Connor raised his eyebrows. “So, I would have to deal with an overprotective brother who just happens to carry a gun? You’re not really selling this, Grace.”

“Gideon isn’t going to shoot you for dating Kira,” Grace said. “You know the firefighters and the sheriff’s department all have a rivalry/competition thing going on. Daniel probably isn’t afraid of Gideon, but he does dislike him, and he knows Gideon isn’t fond of him either. It might be why Daniel hasn’t made a move on Kira.”

“Then me dating her isn’t going to help,” Connor said.

“It might. Daniel is super competitive so if he does have a thing for Kira and she’s suddenly not available, it might spur him on to do something. If it doesn’t and Daniel isn’t jealous, then maybe Kira will finally realize he isn’t nearly good enough for her and give up on her silly -”

She stopped abruptly. “Forget I said that.”

“You don’t like Daniel?”

She sighed. “I don’t dislike him. I just don’t think he’s the right guy for Kira.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

“Because she loves him,” Grace said, “and I love her and want her to be happy. She’s been obsessed with Daniel since she was fifteen. Besides, who am I to say who the right person is for someone, right?”

“What if it doesn’t work? What if we fake date for a couple of weeks and no signs of jealousy, then what? Kira,” he made air quotes with his fingers, “dumps me and I’m still on my own for my cousin’s wedding.”

“She’ll still go with you to your cousin’s wedding,” Grace said. “Just make that part of the agreement.”

He didn’t reply and she pulled out her cell phone. “I’ll text her now and see if you can drop by. This is a great solution for both your problems, Connor. I promise.”

Chapter Two

When the doorbell rang, Kira smoothed down her blonde hair and checked her reflection in the toaster. Not that it really mattered what she looked like. This wasn’t a first date for God’s sake.

She headed out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Two long windows flanked the front door and she could see one tanned arm and hand through the right one. Her dentist had big hands.

You know what they say about big hands.

She flushed and tossed that errant thought out of her head before opening the door. She smiled at the dark-haired man standing on her front porch.

“Hello, Dr. MacMillan.”

“Hello, Ms. Walker,” he said.

There was a moment of awkward silence and then she stepped back. “Call me Kira. Please, come in.”

He stepped into the house and she shut the door before squeezing past him. “Would you like something to drink? I have water, iced tea and soda. Or I can make coffee.”

“An iced tea would be fine,” he said.

As he followed her toward the kitchen, she wondered if he was checking out her ass in her yoga pants. She knew she didn’t have a great body. She was on the thin side and she secretly coveted Grace’s full curves. She scoffed inwardly. Who was she kidding? Forget Grace’s curves, she’d take Addison’s very respectable C-cup boobs if given the chance. She was barely a B-cup and her cleavage was thanks to the miracle invention of the century – the push-up bra.

Why she even thought her dentist would check out her ass was ridiculous. It was flat and –

Hey, Kira? Maybe you should stop thinking about your own damn tits and ass and get the man his iced tea.

Dr. MacMillan was hovering in the doorway of the kitchen while she stood blankly next to the fridge and she gave him an embarrassed smile. “Sorry. Have a seat and I’ll get that iced tea.”

“Thank you,” he said.

She poured them both a glass of iced tea and perched on the edge of the chair across from him. He drank some iced tea before saying, “It’s good. Thanks.”

“I like it a little on the sweet side,” she said. “My brother says it’s way too sweet and

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