Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,3

lie. He wasn’t interested in his pretty employee because he had no desire to have his heart ripped out of his chest and stomped on right in front of him for a second time.

Crybaby, his inner voice mocked grumpily. It was more than willing to risk a heart stomping if it meant he got laid again on the regular. He had slept with exactly two women since he and Lisa broke up. Both were one-night stands when he was attending out-of-town work conferences. He hadn’t gone on a single date since the night Lisa broke off their engagement.

He sat on the other end of the couch. “Big plans for tonight?”

She shook her head. “No. How about you?”

“Going for a run and then dinner,” he replied.

She stared thoughtfully at him and he raised his eyebrows. “What?”

“Dinner alone?”

“Yes,” he replied. “Why?”

“So, you’re not dating anyone yet, right?”

He grinned at her. “Are you asking me to dinner, Grace?”

“God, no.” She looked so horrified at the idea that he burst into laughter.

“Shit, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that,” she said. “It’s just – dating my boss is not a great idea.”

“Right. It has nothing to do with your crush on our surly sheriff?”

“I told you that in secret,” she said.

“I know and I haven’t told anyone. Do you regret sharing it with me?”

“Honestly? No. It felt good to tell someone. Besides, it seemed only fair since you had just told me your secret about your ex-fiancé.”

He shrugged. “It’s not really a secret, I suppose.”

Grace cleared her throat. “Then you wouldn’t be upset if I had told someone else?”

“It’s not a secret but that doesn’t mean I want to be the gossip of the town.”

“You’re not,” she said hurriedly. “I only told one person.”

“Who?” He asked.

“Kira Walker.”

He frowned in thought. “The name is familiar.”

“She’s a client,” Grace said. “Short and slender, long blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s Gideon’s baby sister.”

“Right. Still has her wisdom teeth, only one cavity.”

Gracie laughed. “Your ability to remember people by their teeth status is both weird and impressive.”

“Why did you tell her?” he asked.

“Because she has a problem similar to yours, and I think you can help each other. She’s in love with a guy named Daniel Moore. He’s a firefighter in town.”

“I know who he is,” Connor said. “He plays on the firefighter’s baseball team.”

“Kira’s been in love with him since high school, but he’s got her in the friend zone,” Grace said. “I promised her I would help her win his love and I need your help to keep that promise.”


“Yes. I want you to fake date Kira to make Daniel jealous.”

“No.” He stood up to leave. “Good night, Grace. Make sure you set the alarm before you leave.”

“Connor, wait!” She stood and grabbed his arm. “Just hear me out.”

“I’m not getting involved in that drama,” he said.

“If you help Kira, she’ll help you,” Grace said quickly.

He stared at her. He felt like he should know what the hell his hygienist was talking about, but the answer danced just out of his reach.

“If you pretend to be her boyfriend, she’ll pretend to be your girlfriend at your cousin’s wedding. Your family won’t try and get you back together with Lisa if you have Kira with you.”

He wanted to tell her it was the stupidest idea he’d ever heard but he was getting desperate. Mandy’s wedding was a month away. If he didn’t take a date with him, he’d be forced to listen to his family extol Lisa’s virtues before pushing him into her arms. It would be awkward and uncomfortable, and he couldn’t even hope that Lisa had found someone new. His aunt sent him regular emails filled with family news. The email contained all the information about Lisa too. She was still single as well – a fact that thrilled his entire family and gave them all hope of a reunion.

They were deluded, he thought bitterly. Lisa would never want him back. Not when she couldn’t stand the failure he’d become or the way he’d ruined both their dreams.

“Connor?” Grace touched his arm and he gave her a blank look.


“Will you meet with Kira? Just talk to her about it?”

He sighed and rubbed at his knee. It was throbbing like a bitch and he decided a run tonight wasn’t a good idea. “I’ll talk to her. Is she busy tonight?”

Grace shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I’ll text her. If she isn’t, I’ll tell her you’re going to drop by

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