Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,39

hot kiss from Connor and you’re gonna give up your v-card to him?

It was a really great kiss…

Her inner voice didn’t reply, and she kept her hands in her lap and her gaze locked out the window. Okay, so, things were getting a little weird in her brain but that was probably just the lust. If the previous two guys she’d kissed, had kissed like Connor, she would have been tempted to sleep with them too.

Her reaction was perfectly normal. Connor was an amazing kisser and a woman would have to be completely dead inside not to be affected by it. She was normal, her reaction was normal. Everything was normal.

Perfectly normal.


She jumped at the sound of Connor’s voice. “Uh, yeah?”

“We’re here.”

She stared blankly out the windshield at her house before turning to Connor. “Thank you for the ride home. Good night.”

Was that disappointment that crossed his face? Did he want her to ask him to come inside?

“Good night.” His voice was brusque.

She opened the door, feeling weird and uncertain and… goddammit, horny as hell. She squeezed the door handle before blurting, “Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Kiss me in the parking lot.”

“We’re dating. People who date kiss.”

“You specifically said that you were against PDAs. You basically made me swear that I wouldn’t do anything more than hold your hand in public and then you-you had your tongue shoved down my throat in the parking lot of the Thirsty Beaver. That’s one hell of a PDA, Connor.”

His nostrils flared. “Why were you alone in the parking lot with Daniel?”

“What?’ She blinked at him.

“You were alone with Daniel.”

“I… he wanted to talk to me.”

He didn’t reply and she licked her still swollen lips. “Why did you kiss me like that?”

“Because we’re trying to make Daniel jealous, remember?”

“Yes, but…”

“But what?” He gave her an impatient look, his hands gripping the steering wheel. “You’ve asked me to help you make Daniel jealous. I’m doing what you asked me, Kira. Is there a problem with that?”

“No,” she said. “Stop being a jerk about it.”

He sighed and rubbed his temples. “I apologize. It’s been a long day and I’m tired.”

He stared out the windshield and when he didn’t say anything else, she climbed out of the car. “Good night, Connor.”

“Good night, Kira.”

She climbed the porch steps, her knees were shaking and she was weirdly disappointed that she was alone. She glanced behind her as she opened the door. Connor was still sitting in the driveway and she gave him an awkward wave before stepping inside. She closed the door and leaned against it, staring up at the ceiling.

She couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss in the parking lot. Had Connor really only kissed her just to make Daniel jealous? And if so, why did that bother her so much?

Chapter Nine

Connor studied his cell phone before hitting Kira’s number. His knee was throbbing again. It had felt better when he got up and, stupidly, he’d gone for a run. He should have known better. He rubbed it absently as he sat in the kitchen chair.

He’d been a real dick last night and he’d spent most of today feeling guilty for how he’d treated Kira. But when he walked out of the pub last night and saw Kira alone with Daniel, that weird jealousy had immediately reappeared. He hadn’t thought about his actions. He’d been driven by a primal need to show Daniel that Kira belonged to him. His stance against PDAs had disappeared into thin air, which both perplexed him and worried him a little if he was being honest.

He’d always been a bit standoffish with his parents, with Lisa… hell, with everyone in his life. He didn’t think he was cold or distant like Lisa would sometimes point out, he just liked his personal space. Only, that seemed to go out the window whenever he was near Kira. The urge to touch her, the need to feel her soft skin was almost impossible to resist.

He gulped down the rest of his water as the phone rang in his ear. He was being affectionate and touchy-feely with Kira because he was playing a part, that was all. He was getting all tied up in knots about nothing. He would apologize again and ask her if she wanted to hang out. He really should learn more about her if he wanted to be an effective fake boyfriend.

Oh yeah? So, you’re telling me you’re not planning on asking her if she wants to practice kissing again?

No, he wasn’t.

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