Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,38

He smiled down at her before reaching out and taking her hand. “You know you’re really special to me, right?”

Oh my God. This was it. Daniel was jealous and he was about to tell her how he really felt. Holy shit, Grace was right. Why the hell hadn’t she thought of doing this sooner? She could have been dating Daniel years ago.

“You’re special to me too,” she whispered.

He smiled and brushed back a stray strand of hair from her face. “Good. Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?”

“Um, I… no, I don’t think so,” she said.

She reminded herself to say no when he asked her out. She had to. She’d promised Connor that she would go to his cousin’s wedding with him.

“Cool. I wondered if you would be okay with me and the guys coming by tomorrow to watch the game at your place?”

“That’s so sweet of you, but I can’t…wait, what?” Kira said.

“The game.” Daniel took her hand and squeezed it before rubbing his thumb across her palm. “Would you mind if we watched it at your place? The game’s a lot better on your sixty-inch screen.”

“Right.” Disappointment swept through her and she stared dully at their clasped hands. “Yeah, okay.”

Daniel gave her hand a little squeeze before cupping her shoulder. “You sure, doll?”

She made herself smile at him. “Of course, I’m sure.”

“Great!” His smile widened, showing off his perfect white teeth. “We’ll be by around two then. Do you think you could pick up some snacks for us?”

Before she could reply, she heard footsteps behind her, and she knew instinctively it was Connor. Feeling weirdly guilty, she snatched her hand away from Daniel’s and shrugged off his other hand before turning.

“Hi there.” Her voice was loud and a little screechy.

Connor studied her silently for a moment before holding out his hand. “Ready to go?”

“Yes. Yeah, I sure am. Let’s go. Bye, Daniel.” Without looking at Daniel, she took Connor’s hand and followed him to his car.

Why did she feel so damn guilty?

Connor walked her to the passenger door and when he didn’t open it, she chanced a glance at him. The expression on his face was flat, and she gave him a timid smile. “Connor, are you -”

His arm hooked around her waist and he drew her up against his body, one hand cupping the back of her skull as his mouth crashed down on hers. She made a startled squeak into his mouth, her lips parting when he pushed his tongue against the seam of them.

He kissed her hard, his usual coaxing and teasing style of kissing gone completely under a rough and demanding type of urgency that took her breath away.

She forgot they were in public.

She forgot this was fake.

She forgot about Daniel.

Until this moment, she hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed kissing Connor. Without any shame, she put her arms around him and clung to him, kissing him back with unabashed eagerness.

One big hand reached down and cupped her ass. He squeezed it with casual familiarity before pressing her against the growing hardness below his waist. She moaned into his mouth and rubbed her breasts against him.

His hand squeezed her ass again and he made a possessive growl against her mouth before pushing her up against the car. He nipped at her bottom lip and then licked her upper lip. She moaned again and he pulled back, staring down at her red and swollen mouth.

“Connor?” she whispered. “Are you okay?”

His voice was brisk. “Fine.”

He pulled her away from the car and opened the passenger door. “Get in, Kira.”

She touched her mouth before climbing into the car. As Connor walked to the driver’s side, she could see Daniel still standing in the parking lot. He was studying Connor, but it was too dark, and he was too far away for Kira to tell if it was jealousy on his face.

Connor climbed in, a flash of pain crossing his face when he bent his right knee, and slammed the door shut. Without speaking, he started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

She didn’t speak on the way home. Her heart was pounding, lust was flooding through her entire nervous system and she was desperately trying not to reach across the car and press her hand against Connor’s crotch. Was he still hard for her? Was he going to come in to the house with her, take her upstairs, undress her and give her exactly what she needed? What she wanted?

Kira! What is wrong with you? One

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