Sweet Curves (Sweet Enough to Eat #2) - Mila Crawford ,Aria Cole Page 0,5

closer, until my breasts were nearly grazing the hard planes of his pectorals. “Now, I've got something to give back to you.”

A nearly audible groan stumbled out. Why did it feel like half the things he said were double entendres? And if they were, why did I like that thought so much?

Espresso and cinnamon tiramisu.

I remembered the recipe I'd learned in Italy at a cooking school for tourists on the coast just to distract me from the warm, inviting natural scent of his skin and the manly soap he'd probably used in the shower this morning.

And then I thought about Sawyer, hard and soapy in the shower and I died.

“Katie?” He leaned closer, swiping his thumb along the curve of my neck.


“I asked when you wanted to start. I’ll need you at least once a day--five, even six days a week if you can handle it. Do you think you can handle it? I’m not too rough, I promise to take it easy,” and then he leaned a little closer, grin slipping to one side, “the first few times.”

Raspberry-infused truffle cupcakes with maple sea salt.

My heart slammed like a professional fighter was having a cage fight behind my ribs. My entire body felt tied to his, every motion, every touch, every single look elicited a traitorous response inside of me.

“Tomorrow?” I heard myself squeak.

“Perfect, tomorrow is perfect.”

I nodded, ready to back away and finally escape this den of temptation.

“And Katie?” He cooed, catching my hand in his and hauling me a little closer to him, chests pressed firmly, “I can't wait to get you sweaty.”


The drive into work the next morning was intense, all I could think about was Katie. Her beautiful smile and slammin’ curves playing non-stop in my mind. She was so damn distracting that I almost forgot to hit the brakes when a car in front of me stopped for a red light. As soon as I saw her last night, everything that I’d tried to push back rushed through me, taking hold and refusing to let go. Seems like nothing had changed, she was still the same Katie and she was still under my skin, driving me crazy.

I remembered how sweet and smart she was in high school. So smart that I was always nervous around her. I was just a dumb jock and here she was, this goddess, and I couldn’t figure out what to say to impress her, so I became her friend. It was easy being around her, she actually listened to me talk and gave suggestions, not just telling me what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. I didn’t always like what came out of her smart mouth but I craved to know what she was thinking or how she was feeling.

Aside from being so patient and incredible with me, she was the hottest girl I’d ever seen. I remembered too many library boners, sitting across from her as she read to me. I could never tear my eyes from her lips as she read the words, a few times I’d needed to run to the washroom to alleviate the tension caused by my sexy little tutor.

I hated that she wanted to drop weight now, which was one of the sexiest things about her, all those sexy curves making my hands itch to touch her. My hands tightened on the steering wheel thinking about how all these years later her upper society mother still made her feel like she wasn’t good enough. She was fuckin’ perfect. For a split second I thought about offering to work her out in my bed, but I didn’t want her to run out of my gym crying murder.

I suddenly found myself with a hankering for something sweet. I knew I couldn’t have what I wanted in that moment, but I was sure she could satisfy me with one of her many baked goods. So, like a stalker, I’d found her bakery on my phone, and was pulling up a minute later and shifting my car into park.

“Mary, can you please get the cash? I have to finish these cupcakes for the Gala.” Her sweet voice filled the shop before her gaze met mine. The shocked look in her eyes shot a jolt straight to my dick. It was the same look she gave me on graduation night. My plan was to go over there and kiss her, tell her that she was fucking amazing and I loved her, but then I remembered

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