Sweet Curves (Sweet Enough to Eat #2) - Mila Crawford ,Aria Cole Page 0,6

she was Katie Wilder, the perfect girl of my dreams and I was just good old Sawyer.

But things were different now. Now I was someone worthy of her.

“Hey there,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. She watched me for a moment without saying a thing. Her hair in a messy bun, her apron dirty from splatters of chocolate and her cute button nose had a dot of icing sugar right on the tip. She immediately wiped her nose and started to smooth her hair.

Did I make her nervous?

“Sawyer, hi. What brings you by?” Her voice tilted up--something she’d always done when she was taken by surprise. I liked that I had those memories of her.

“Since you came by my place, I wanted to check out yours. The shop is amazing, Katie.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes averted to the stacks of baked goods under the glass counter. “Can I get you anything?”

“I’ll take a cup of coffee, black.” I smiled warmly when our eyes met again.

She passed me coffee and a slice of lemon cheesecake a moment later.

“You remembered,” I said, taking a sip of coffee. “This is amazing. I don’t think I’ve had a cup this good since high-school.”

“I found an amazing roaster. He actually makes a light roast so the beans don’t taste like they’re burnt. Dark roast is disgusting and destroys the flavor of delicate bakery items. It’s just a fancy way of saying oops, we burnt the beans.”

I took a bite of the cheesecake as she spoke, closing my eyes, lost in the rich and silky taste on my tongue. I wondered if she tasted this sweet. I grinned, knowing damn well she would. Katie was sweet everywhere.

“You still love Granny’s lemon cake?” She asked sweetly, her beautiful face taking on a faint pink blush as she leaned closer to me.

“Love is an understatement.” I finished and set the empty plate beside us, her smile grew wider. “You still have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.”

Her eyes faltered for a second before she recovered and breathed, “You’re still the most charming person I’ve ever met.”

I closed the distance between our fingertips on the counter and brushed against her pinky with mine.

“This is completely inappropriate since I’m your employee and all now. But, would you consider getting dinner with me after your workout tonight?”

She visibly swallowed, her eyes looking everywhere but at me.

“Katie, please say yes.” I brushed my thumb along the underside of her wrist before twisting our hands together gently.

“I’d like that,” she whispered and I felt like I had won the lotto.


“I had no idea my body could bend like that.” I had no idea muscle pain could be so vicious. “I think you’re a sadist.”

Sawyer laughed, passing me a bottle of water. “It gets better, I promise.”

He smiled and for a moment and I forgot the pains and aches shooting violently up and down my body.

“Why do people do this?”

“It becomes a high. Once the pain wears off and the routine sets in.”

“This better at least shave off twenty pounds.” As soon as the word’s left my mouth I wanted to take them back. Sawyer didn’t need to know how insecure I was about my weight. Needy and insecure wasn’t sexy.

“You’re perfect. You don’t need to shave off a single pound. I’m all for working out because it’s good for you, but if you think that you don’t look amazing as you are you’re fuckin’ blind.” He grabbed my hand, dragging me to the mirror in front of the weights. He stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders. “Take a look.”

I looked back at myself in the mirror, dark hair, sweaty and matted to my head. Top-knot messy and crooked at my crown, my face a little too full, the double-chin noticeable if I moved my chin anywhere but my best angle. All that extra fat looked pretty good in my breasts though, they were perky for being double D’s, and I had a dip in my waist, so my body had some shape. But then there were my hips, generous to a fault, that led to thighs badly in need of some definition.

“I see me alright.”

“Let me tell you what I see,” he started, hands at my shoulders, “I see a girl who smiles and everything that went wrong with my day washes away into nothing. I see a girl who has eyes so warm and loving that I forget there are assholes walking around out there. I see a woman

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