Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,75

an arm around my waist and pulled me into an embrace.

"Adonis?" I questioned. His lips brushed the side of my neck, leaving me frozen in place as he whispered in a hushed voice, "You know I love you just the way you are, Cassandra. You're not weak for being human, and we all now know something special resonates within you. All we need is for you to realize your own potential. Your worth, like you had before all of this happened."

"I know." I melted in his hold. "But it's hard when it feels like the world is better than you."

"You know that's not true."


"Cassandra." The firmness of his voice had me moving my head back to press against his chest. He looked down at me. My eyes studied his purple ones that were clouded with worry and love.

"Do you really love me?"

"Yes." Not a hint of hesitation.

"Why do you hold back?"

He knew what I was referring to.

"As odd as it may sound, I don't want to make love with you here."

When I didn't answer, he continued, "You deserve to be between the comfiest sheets this world can offer. To be bathed with love and pampered like a queen. I love you and I have for the same amount of time as Otis. I simply hide it better, but no sexual interaction with those I use to appease my appetite leaves me feeling satisfied. I know that will be solved by you. To me, that's special, and anything I deem special deserves everything I can provide to make the experience one that's worth it."

"Adonis." I wasn't sure what to say.

He laid his lips on mine, and I closed my eyes and enjoyed the movement of his lips. He didn't release me until he was satisfied.

"Seduction is a blessing and a curse. A blessing when you can get anything you want with your looks. A curse when you want the woman you love to know her worth. You're not a toy to me, like the girls who throw themselves at me. You're special beyond belief, Cassandra. You're our Princess for a reason."

His eyes searched mine, and I was sure he saw the vulnerability in them.

"Remove that doubt from your mind and focus on empowering yourself, Cassandra. Being supernatural is more than just magic and strength. It's a mental game, and we don't want you losing the battle."

That was all he said before he gave me one last tender kiss and released me.

I watched him walk ahead, knowing damn well he'd expect me to follow him.

A blessing and a curse. He may be right about that.

Showers And Beautiful Heart

The droplets of steaming water rolled down my body as I paused the continuous stream. The heat it had delivered was something I used to take advantage of when I was home. Along with how amazing it felt being alone to shower and not rushed to wash up with five to twenty other women.

Showering was my time to relax and really think. To be lost in my thoughts and sort out the stuff I was struggling with.

Today was no different, but with no harsh time limit looming over my head, I could unravel the knots in my mind.

If I'm a supernatural, what am I? Why can't I figure it out? For that matter, why can't anyone figure it out? Is it that hard to decipher my bloodwork? Is there a reason I'm perceived as a human? What is my body hiding?

I closed my eyes and let my forehead rest against the cool tiles. I needed to figure all of this out, to solve the puzzle, but how would I find the missing pieces?

Who am I?

What am I capable of?

Should I be afraid of what I am?

Why does it matter if I can't use whatever is inside me to defend myself?

To get me out of this shithole of a place.

I don't deserve to be here. Captive behind bars to please a woman who knows nothing of the struggles I've endured.

"Are you finished?"

The familiarity of the deep voice didn't bring the shock I should have felt when I thought I was alone. I remained where I was, keeping my eyes closed.

I wasn't in the mood to argue with Otis tonight.

Adonis meant well, but his words were still heavy in my mind. It was funny how the positive words always took longer to settle into one's head, versus the negative ones that left their roots behind to grow.

With their twin connection, he could have known I wasn't in Copyright 2016 - 2024