Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,74

doing situps.

"She's working out?" the guard asked.

"What does it look like?" Adonis's voice was cold as ice. I had to pause to make sure it was him and not Otis. "Prisoners may be bored in this shithole like we are working here, but she isn't just doing shit for giggles."

"R-right," the guard stuttered. "She's the last one to shower in Level One. There wasn't enough space in the previous group and the other two prisoners who are supposed to join got into a fight and are in the disciplinary sector."

"Cool. I'll escort her there," Adonis coldly replied.

The guard nodded quickly and was out so fast, I almost thought he was a vampire for a second.

"If it wasn't for the stupid protective wall shit of this prison, there's no way these human guards would have a fucking chance." Adonis shook his head. "They're weak as hell."

"The whole spell that stops all supernaturals from shifting, is it something that never gets updated? Like how they change the sound barriers every month?"

"How'd you find that out with the sound barriers?"

"Alisha was mumbling about it. Something about her being busy with one of her, uh...masters?" I paused because saying the world sounded awkward to me. "She said two guards came in thinking she was dying or something."

"What happened after that?"

"Oh." I frowned. "I’ve got no clue. That's all she said."

"Monarchs don't like interruptions." The knowledgeable smile on his lips had me arching an eyebrow at him.


"They're dead."

"That's not true!" I argued.

"You don't even know." Adonis was on the verge of laughing. "You're easily shocked about things like this?"

"Uh, things? Murder is something to be shocked about, Adonis."

"For a human, yes. For a supernatural, depends who exactly got murdered. Humans don't justify, to a certain extent."

I groaned. "Unless it's me?"

"Exactly," he replied calmly and shrugged. "If you were dead there would be no prison, no NYC, no world."

I had to stop myself from letting my jaw drop open. "You guys wouldn't have seriously destroyed the world over me?"

Adonis opened the lock of my cell once more, sliding it wide enough for him to rest his elbows against the cool steel and cement wall.

"You really do underestimate us, Princess." He looked me up and down. "The only reason you don't see our deadly potential is because you don't have the sight most supernaturals carry."

"Does that have to do with that whole 'different level of appearances' thing you guys explained the other day?"

"A part of it." He closed his eyes. "To humans, I'm an attractive beast with a certain allure. When most humans, minus you, look at me, they feel compelled to be close to me. They want to do my bidding and attend to my needs. Have you felt that compelled feeling?"

"I kinda did with Alisha," I reasoned.

"A Monarch has that ability, but it affects any race. If she was powerful enough, she could command a god to do her bidding, but that's a whole different sector of magic." He paused. "Supernaturals come with many types of energies that surround us. Auras, beacons of light, whatever you want to call it. Yes, the whole appearance thing is included, and some can see our true forms without a problem, but most humans can't see just how lethal we are. Their minds are closed to a certain extent, and those who are open to our potential either go crazy or hide in fear. There are a few brave souls who can see it all and can mingle with us. Those individuals usually hold high positions in the government."

"Does that mean if I saw your true forms, I'd go insane?" I was trying to hide how his words troubled me, but it was difficult. I knew he was simply explaining a point, but it felt like he was digging a rock into an already open wound.

We knew I was special, but I wished to prove how powerful I could be.

That I could potentially be one of them.

"No," Adonis answered.

"You say that so confidently."

"I just feel like you'd be okay." He shrugged and moved away from the gate, gesturing for me to get moving. "Back to the point of this conversation. Yes. We would have torn this world upside down and demanded a new one if you died. You can ask the others. Again and again, the answer would be the same."

I nodded and got up, quickly gathering my new set of prison clothes to change into when I was done showering.

When I walked out of the cell, Adonis hooked Copyright 2016 - 2024