Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,46

stay alive. Anyway, are you hungry?"

"Don't change the—oh God, I am starving! Wait. You said I've been out for a week?!"

"Your thoughts are rather scrambled."

"I just woke up from a weeklong slumber and am a starving child!"

"You're twenty," he mocked.

I actually growled. "Feed me!"

"That sounded sexy." He smirked, which made me blush.

"Why are you here?!"

"Doing my double agent job and making sure your ass is alive. I've been here all week guarding you since no one else will. The snake witch is speaking holy tongues for your death, while your bros and Everett are praying that you live. I’m stuck in the middle.”

"Right," I replied. "Then which side are you on?"

"I'm a double agent, sweets."

Sweets? Did I get a status upgrade?

I shook my head. "Do you want me to live or die?"

He was quiet, reaching for the plate of covered food. I watched as his hand begin to emit an orange light, the cold food suddenly steaming hot.

Placing the plate on the tray, he wheeled it so it was above my lap, and made his way to my left side to unlock the other set of cuffs.

"If you live, life is more entertaining in this hellhole. If you perish...I may actually shed a tear."

That made me smile.

"Thanks, Omarion," I quietly praised. "Sorry for the trouble."

"I should do reverse psychology on you. Maybe then you'll stick to what you should be doing."

"Hmm, that's still a tricky gamble." I giggled. "You don't know what you'll get with me."

"So I've heard." He sighed. "The cameras will be off for fifteen more minutes. Try to eat and circulate your wrists. They're already bruising. So stupid to keep you in cuffs when you're unconscious."

"Hey, didn't you last say you weren't a double agent?" I questioned with narrowed eyes. He looked annoyed again, but he brushed off my concern.

"Tristan keeps calling me that, so it's grown on me. So silly. Hurry and take your man back. He's all moody and shit. I didn't accept the role of training to get a sad shapeshifter."

"I miss him," I mumbled under my breath, my shoulders sinking as I stared at the plate of food. "As well as the others. Even Everett. I'm probably stuck here now."

"We're still working on it," he whispered.

"What am I, Omarion?" I gazed at his blank expression. "So what if I am a supernatural? What exactly am I to now be worthy of Level Three status? That's for those tough, powerful shifters who know themselves. I'm a girl, raised by an elite group of supernaturals with the idea I'd always be your average human."

"When one can't identify how powerful a person is, the best way of protecting yourself is by keeping them at the most secure level of captivity. In this case, the lowest number, but if we threw you in Level Four, you'd be dead."

My silence had him sitting on the side of the bed and reaching out to brush a tear off my cheek.

"Cassandra. You'll remain on Level One for now. I know you were awake when Doc was here. What he says, goes, and he doesn't deem you a threat big enough to put you in Level Three. However, you're going to be placed with a cellmate."

"Great." This whole predicament was really going downhill. "I can't even get along with the local girls at the nail salon. If I'm placed with someone like that Bunny chick, I'll die. It'll be the end of the world and this prison."

"You're not going to be placed with her. I'll decide who you'll be partnered with. As much as I'd love for you to have your own cell, we're running out of space on Level One, since no one is really dying there."

"Delightful," I grumbled. "If you're trying to cheer me up, it's not working."

"Can you trust me on this?"

"No." I looked at him, his golden eyes staring deeply in mine. "Fine."

He sighed, and his hand gripped my chin, turning my head to completely look into his eyes.

"I'm not the cheering up type, but I can promise you things will begin to move in the proper direction. I just need you to be patient and not go killing any more inmates by accident. I have your meals scheduled to come to your cell starting tomorrow, but if you're planning on staying awake today, you're gonna have to go the underground cafeteria again."

"Will you be around?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"Yes." There wasn't any hesitation in my response.

"Then I'll escort you there. Let the guard assigned to Copyright 2016 - 2024