Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,45

books. To me, they're not a threat, but from what I've heard about the increased occurrence of natural disasters, I would like to sleep without fear of my bed being swallowed by an earthquake, burned to ashes by deadly flames, or better yet, wrapped in vines and then burned to ashes."

"If you're referring to the fae, they like slow torture. You'd be looking at more than vines and fire as your problem."

"You're right," he agreed. "I'd opt for my blood to be sucked instead. Or to be put under a love spell. For myself."

"All those options bring pleasure more than punishment."

"Thus, the better options."

"Till next time," Omarion bid farewell, and the door closed.

There I was, debating whether to open my eyes or not, when the sound of something unlocking caught my attention.

"Gonna keep fake sleeping or are you going to be the noisy type and ask me silly questions."

My eyes snapped open just so I could give Omarion an over-exaggerated eye roll.

"With all the eye-rolling you do, I'd think you'd win some sort of Guinness record," he muttered.

"You should feel pity..." I began but ended up coughing. Omarion shook his head and reached out for the glass of water on the tray. He offered it to me, and I took it and downed the cool liquid.

"Goodness, I thought I was going to die," I whined.

"From a coughing fit?" he teased, earning himself a frown from my cracked lips. "Oh. You mean because you pissed off a gigantic gorilla woman and caused a ruckus on my only day off this week." He nodded. "Actually, I should change that, seeing as you've been out for a solid week and just so happened to wake up on the same day my ass should be getting some in my own bed."

"Sorry for ruining your day of mating," I muttered. "I'm twenty. Don't want to know about your sex life."

"Twenty and can't get laid by the guys she's madly in love with."

"Fuck you."

"You're twenty. Shouldn't be swearing. You're but a child."

"I wish I could strangle you."

"Be my guest. Then no one will get your ass out of here after the stunt you pulled."

"What do you mean?" I frowned and looked at him. "I...remember putting my arms up to protect that woman."

"Alisha Butterfly," Omarion announced.

"Who is she?"

"She's a Monarch. Those types of shifters can breathe and every supernatural in a ten-foot radius has to bow down in submission. That's if she feels like it. She's been here for a while but is finally willing to mingle from time to time. I sometimes feel she should be in Level Four rather than Three. Speaking of, many of the guards want you in Level Three."

"Hold up!" I raised my hand and looked at him with wide eyes. "Me? The innocent human in Level Three? I wouldn't last ten minutes!"

"You killed a Level Two Gorilla with a defensive move."

"That—" I had every intention clearing my name, but the memories hit me like a brick. "Oh, shit..."

"Remember now?"

"No way was that me." I tried to reason it all out. "I was minding my own business, hoping to grab some breakfast so I wouldn't starve until lunch. I hoped that I'd make some friends in the line, but I couldn't even say thanks when the woman snapped at me for breathing on her!"

Lifting one of my free hands that still held the silver handcuff around my wrist while the other part dangled aimlessly, I swung it around in demonstration.

"She came swinging like King Kong! Trying to start a fight and then I got hit. That hurt so bad," I whined. "She sent me flying, and you know I was all ready to face death like a good girl until my body just stopped mid-air!"


"I didn't stop myself. It was the Alisha woman. The one with the black hair with purple highlights and a single blue strand! I think it was her, not like I have proof or anything, but she dropped me down. Or maybe her magic stopped, who knows? I fell, but that gorilla bitch was about to attack her, and I couldn't let that happen when she had just saved my life. She was sitting there, minding her own business just like I had been. She didn't deserve to deal with my garbage, so I went to protect her, and um..." I paused and tried to remember what happened next. "That's all I got."

Omarion looked at me hopelessly and shook his head.

"I sometimes question how you always manage to Copyright 2016 - 2024