Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,29

should we run?!"

Silence followed, and I thought my hearing had finally given up, but then I heard his quiet words, a tremble vibrating with every syllable.

"Never take what's precious from the Supernatural Brothers, lest you reap the consequences that come with their wrath. Do you have a death wish? Doing what we just did will fulfill it if we stay here, but hey. Your life, your choice."

"What if she dies?" The alligator shifter who had sounded so confident seemed frightened.

"Then you better pray to have a way into heaven, because this whole world as we know it will perish."

The world fell silent as my consciousness plunged into darkness.

Psychic Prison For Supernaturals

"Completely human, yet survived a one hundred foot drop and then didn't die from the injection. Intriguing. Very intriguing."

"You do know who she is, correct?"

"I am well aware. We have to tread carefully with this one. It's good you brought her to this prison and not one of the others. Timing is a little bad, but we can keep her hidden here until my return."

"Your trip can't be postponed?"

"Not in this case. I'm currently investigating that Monarch on Level 3."

"You mean the one that almost brought this place down?"

"Yes. She's more manageable now with the pills, but stubborn. Hard to control her. Considering those rich powerhouses, I have to tread carefully."

"They claimed ownership of her? Why? She's a maniac."

"A maniac with no memory but immense power. Exactly why we have to get the upper hand and the reason I can't postpone this."

"What about the other chick?"

"The homeless misfit? Not worried about that one. Potential, but long from it anything useful. She's already been bought by some other group. I did basic tests on her. Waiting for the results."

"Okay...I guess our duty is to keep an eye on this one?”

"She's harmless. She may have had luck on her side to survive the drop and the serum, but she'll be dead if she tries to pick a fight within here. Keep an eye on her and let me know if anything happens that's out of the ordinary, but make sure that those supernatural brothers can't find her trail."

"I'll let the others know. We at least have the advantage that no one within these walls knows what they look like. The benefits of no television."

There was an eerie laugh. "You can barely get service when you're this close to the fucking equator instead the thick forest above us. Aside from you and I, no one here even knows who these powerhouses are."

"That's why it makes the kidnapping so easy. This prison doesn't ask many questions."

"And exactly why I adore it. I get to choose the ones I'm intrigued by and do my research in the shadows. I'm in the process of getting enough to use on my little celestial experiment."

"Celestial experiment?"

Another laugh that made me want to shiver. "Yes, yes. You'll see in due time. I'm debating whether to transfer her here."

"Didn't you say she was a Nephilim?"

"Yes." He chuckled. "A very lethal one. I think she'll be kept in Level Four."

There was a gasp. "Doc. You aren't thinking of putting her with those three psychos."

"Very much. If not for those intense spells, enchantments, and physical restraints on that level, this place would seriously be brought down."

"And you're going to add a fourth?"

"It depends on how things go. First, I have to look into this Monarch butterfly. You know how rare they are. If those supernaturals are on her tail, she could be valuable."

"Indeed." There was a pause. "How long do you believe this girl will be out?"

"A few more hours. At most, another day. It's been five days already. I don't see her reaching seven."

"All right. I'll let the other guards know."

"Where do you plan on going?"

"I've been summoned to Dubai. I'll be going back and forth."

"That place isn't what you'd call a prison."

"True, but good to have allies in dark places. Though that prison has fucking chandeliers and velvet beds instead of grim, moldy walls and electrified bars."

"Enough chit chat for now. I've gotten enough of a blood sample from her. Take her back to the private ward and don't forget to handcuff her to the bed. The last idiot did that and was that anaconda shifter's dinner."

There was a loud gulp.

"Yes, Doc. I remember that... Not pretty."

There was a tiny pinch of pain that came from my left arm, and I knew why I was going in and out of consciousness.

I never did well with blood tests. They made me Copyright 2016 - 2024