Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,28

and not a normal occurrence.

"Who are you?" I questioned with narrowed eyes, my stance wide with my arms up in a kickboxing mode.

"Hmmm. I'm the guy who bought you."

"You didn't buy me!" I barked back. "So, you're the one who killed the kidnappers."

I mentally cursed my big mouth, watching the man's eyes darken while a cynical smile took over his dry lips.

"Indeed. So, we have a little bird in our midst. Surprised that I didn't sense you, but then again, I guess there's lots of mystery around the Thorns’ only child.

"You clearly have me confused with someone else," I argued. "If the Thorns you're referring to are the rich, selfish duo everyone raves about, you're mistaken. They don't have a child. Besides, they're human. Nothing you'd be interested in."

"You're right." He nodded. "I don't care about pathetic humans, but no one confirmed the Thorns were merely human. You look like a smart cookie and if you were listening in on the prior conversation, you'll have connected the dots."

"I am not related to them. Nor am I a supernatural like you," I said in disgust.

"Now, now." He smiled. "Don't go hating when you don't know my story. Not like it matters." With a shrug, he appeared in front of me in a blink. "Where you're going, you won't see the light of day again."

I punched him hard in the gut, but all he did was laugh. I high-kicked him in the jaw, sending him back on his ass as I kept my distance, staying light on my feet.

The man continued to laugh, rolling on the floor like I'd said the funniest joke in the world.

"Stop laughing!" I screamed.

"Hilarious." He beamed and sat up like I hadn't broken his jaw.

I thought I did.

He moved his head into an odd position, the loud cracking of dislodged bones going back to place echoing between us. I stared at him in horror as he spat out the pooling blood in his mouth and rose back up.

Then his hands ignited.

"Have you ever seen an alligator use magic before?" he whispered like it was a deadly secret.

I trembled at his voice, on the verge of running away, but I couldn’t own up to being a coward after coming this far.

"No," I whispered, the warmth in me spiking up and growing stronger by the second.

"Well." He grinned, showing me his sharp white teeth as his eyes began to glow an eerie green. "It's about time I put on a show."

Something stabbed into the side of my throat, a gasp escaping my lips before I felt a cool sting rush into the puncture site. I suddenly couldn't breathe, my eyes growing wide as my body went from surging hot to freezing cold.

My knees buckled, but something hooked around my waist and eased me to the ground. My eyes darted everywhere, trying to find the syringe wielder.

"Really, dude?" the alligator man huffed.

"Madame Widow said not to kill her."

"Fuck that old wench. She could make us billions. She's probably fucking us over because she wants those supernatural douches all to her greedy self."

What?! Widow? Margaret? Did she plan all of this?

I began to gasp for air, my body shivering uncontrollably.

"Damn. That venom works fast. Aren't you afraid she's going to seize and die?"

"If she's what Madame predicts she is, she'll live. Can't die when she's bonded to those four pricks."

Bonded? Die? Am I going to die?

I began to panic, fighting to move, but instead I trembled until my whole body shook so hard, my eyes rolled back. My feet began to grow numb, the deadening sensation moving upward while they continued to converse.

"What happens once she's out?"

"We take her and get to the prison gates. Toss her to the guards, and we get our money."

"And then what?"

"We run as fast as we can to the border."

"Hold the fuck up! Why the hell are we leaving the country? Where are we going?"


"You're fucking joking! I'm not equipped for a nation full of polar bears, maple syrup addicts, and endless winter. It's cold as fuck in Canada! Nope, not happening."

Everything was numb now, except the burning in my lungs as they struggled to take in any air. My hearing still worked, but I knew with how fast my heart was racing, even that would be gone in seconds.

"You can do what you want. I followed Widow's rules and kept my part of the bargain. Go ahead and stay behind, but don't try and haunt me in the grave for not heeding my warning."

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