Supernatural Fresh Meat - By Alice Henderson Page 0,93

bones. He’d started shivering violently about an hour ago. He concentrated on staying awake. The space was so cramped that oxygen was getting slim now. He couldn’t get a deep enough breath.

But already he could wriggle his fingers. The paralysis was wearing off. He flexed his toes inside his boots. He could move his tongue now, too, and his lips.

When he was sure Jason was not in the room, he whispered, “Grace?” but she didn’t answer. “Don?” he whispered. No response there, either. He wondered if Don were still alive, if Jason had fed on him while Dean was unconscious. He waited to hear Jimmy at the vent again, now that he could talk, but only silence hovered in the room.

He heard someone walking through the narrow hallway. Jason entered the room and walked straight to him. Dean pretended to be unconscious, but a swift kick in his ribs brought forth an uncontrollable oomph.

Jason knelt down over him.

“What did you do with them?” He prodded Dean’s back with his sharp fingers. Then he punched him in the face, grabbing a fistful of his hair and wrenching his head back. “Where did you put the eggs?”

Dean felt blood streaming down from his nose, but he kept his eyes shut.

“I know you’re awake, you piece of crap hunter. Where did you put them?”

Dean could hear more than anger in his voice. Desperation tinged it. Dean wondered if aswangs only had one shot at producing offspring in a lifetime.

He kept his body limp, hoping to buy time. He couldn’t fight Jason when he was tied up like this.

“Just tell me. You already helped me once, you and your brother and that sad alcoholic excuse for a hunter you call Bobby Singer.” He hit Dean in the back of the head.

Dean was really starting to hate the guy.

“That damn wendigo was finishing all my kills. I like to take my time. Stupid ape was finding my half-finished meals and stealing them.” He leaned closer to Dean, rank breath creeping into Dean’s nostrils. “But you made quick work of him for me.”

Dean felt rage fill him, but he remained silent. He was so going to kill this son of a bitch.

“Okay then,” Jason spat angrily.

He stood up and stomped across the room. At the small pile of people, he seized Grace. He slammed her down next to Dean, then turned her face so she stared straight at him. Her eyes were wide and teary, desperate and terrified.

“If you don’t tell me, I’m going to suck every organ out of her right in front of you.” He sneered in the gloom. “And I’ll make it last.”

Grace’s eyes widened.

He kicked Dean again. “I know you can talk!”

Dean flinched. If he told Jason, he’d kill them both anyway. But he couldn’t watch Grace die in front of him like that. If only he knew how far out Bobby and Sam were.

“I’ll ask you one more time. Where are the eggs?”

Dean remained silent.

Jason flipped Grace over on her stomach. He ripped open the back of her parka, exposing her bare skin. Then the feeding tube came down, finding just the right spot. Dean could see the glistening needle teeth inside the pulsing snout. It paused over her kidneys.

“No!” he shouted, struggling against the ropes.

“Something you want to tell me?” Jason asked.

Dean stared into his coppery eyes in the gloom. “Let her go! Your fight is with me!”

“Not a chance. I know you won’t talk. You’re a hunter. It’s the greater good with you lot. You’re not going to spill your guts unless some innocent person is in danger. Maybe not even then,” he added.

The proboscis returned to sliding down Grace’s back. “What do you think? The appendix? The gall bladder? What can she live without for now?”

The needle teeth pierced the skin of her back, and Dean heard her draw in a sharp breath.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Dean shouted, thrashing around.

Blood spilled from the wound and the feeding tube started thrumming.

A two-by-four came swinging out of the shadows, striking Jason on the back of the head. He sprawled forward, teeth tearing free. Jimmy swung for a second time.

Dean struggled to reach the Bowie knife in his jacket pocket, but couldn’t even get close.

Jimmy struck Jason again and again, driving him back toward the hallway. He shoved him through the door. When the aswang stumbled onto his back in the hallway, Jimmy tugged on the lockers against the wall, heaving them up and over on their side. Metal clanged loudly as Copyright 2016 - 2024