Supernatural Fresh Meat - By Alice Henderson Page 0,94

they fell into place between the room and the corridor.

Stuck on the other side, Jason banged furiously on the metal. The lockers shuddered under the force of his blows.

“My knife! In my left jacket pocket!” Dean yelled to Jimmy.

The vampire darted back, kneeling in front of Dean. He pulled out the knife and sliced through the rope. Dean felt his arms and feet fall to the ground with exquisite relief. He rolled over onto his back, taking the knife from Jimmy, then cut through the rope at his wrists and ankles.

Panic seized Jimmy. “I don’t know what we’re going to do now! That’s going to hold him for about five seconds.”

Jason still pounded on the lockers.

“Where does that air vent go?” Dean asked him.

“Into another part of the building.”

“Has Jason been in there yet?”

Jimmy shook his head. “No, but you’ll never fit. You’re huge.”

“Get into the vent.”

With vampire speed and reflexes, Jimmy spun and leapt up into the vent. Dean stood up on shaking legs. Grabbing Grace fireman-style, he hefted her over his shoulder. Rushing to the air vent, he lifted her up and Jimmy grabbed her shoulders.

“Drag her through to the other side.”

As cacophonous blows echoed through the little room, Dean hurried to where Don lay. He was still alive, but Dean realized that, with his beer belly, his girth would make the air vent too tight a squeeze. He turned Don over and grabbed Steven instead. The snow ranger was breathing steadily. Dean hefted him over to Jimmy.

“Take him, too!”

Jimmy pulled Steven all the way through, then wriggled back. “Give me someone else!”

With the wrenching of metal, the lockers toppled over. Jason stood in the doorway, wings flexing, eyes glowing angrily.

Dean braced himself to fight.


Dean was momentarily confused when the banging sound continued after the lockers had settled onto the floor. Then plaster rained down on him and he realized someone was trying to get in from above.

Jason grabbed Dean, throwing him to the side. He crashed painfully into a wall and slumped down next to the empty body. The aswang reached inside the air vent and Dean heard Jimmy cry out in surprise. He jumped up to help, but another backhanded blow from Jason sent Dean crashing backward, landing on a ruined desk.

Jason dragged Jimmy out of the hole, the vampire kicking him and clawing at him. Dean struggled to his feet, still shaky from the paralysis.

The banging sound continued overhead, filling the room.

Jimmy snarled at Jason, all his teeth growing sharp and his eyes gleaming in the dim light. He bit into Jason’s throat, blood spraying out. Jason placed his hands on both sides of Jimmy’s head and, in an instant, ripped his head from his torso. He tossed the head against the far wall.

Another surge of rage swept over Dean. Jason turned to him, eyes full of hate. Dean’s hand closed around the extra gun clip in his jacket, but he couldn’t see his gun. He’d hoped maybe Jimmy had been wrong, that Jason had left it there, but he hadn’t.

A large chunk of debris crashed down from above. Brilliant light spilled into the room. Dean glanced up to see blue sky, with snow falling toward him. He breathed in a gulp of the fresh air. He felt a sharp pain in his side and looked down to find Jason’s feeding tube attached to his stomach. He grabbed it, wrenching it out.

Something shattered at his feet. Jason screamed.

Bobby and Sam stood framed against the blue above him. They threw another vial of the spice concoction on Jason and his skin erupted in boils.

“More! More!” Dean yelled.

Vial after vial exploded onto Jason’s skin, causing the flesh to peel away in burning, sizzling strips. Screeching, his wings opened wide and he shot through the hole above, shoving Bobby and Sam aside.

Dean watched him wing away across the blue. Then he was out of sight.

“God damn it!” he cursed. “Is he gone?”

Sam’s head turned to look back down at his brother. “Yes.”

Dean blinked against the brightness. “It’s good to see you. Get me the hell out of here!”

Two hours later, rescuers had gotten all the survivors out of the air vent and the collapsed building. The storm had lifted, and now only a few clouds drifted across the azure sky. Though the temperature was still hovering in the thirties, the sun beating down on Dean felt warm and reassuring. He sat in the snow, Susan beside him, cooling her broken leg in the frozen white.

She stared at Grace Copyright 2016 - 2024