Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,96

body against hers. She abstractly recognized the difference between when she had been young and fragile and now, when she was mature and a bit weathered by life. She wasn’t worried about words of love, she was only interested in the way he treated her. She didn’t think about promises, she thought about character and integrity. She had little concern about the future because the future belonged to her. Her and her family. If Logan was the man she thought he was, the future would assert itself. In fact, she wasn’t even looking for forever. She was looking for kindness, honesty, pleasure and a man she could trust. She was only interested in now.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered.

He backed up toward the bed, pulling her hand. He untucked his shirt and unbuttoned his pants, then slowly helped her out of her blouse. One piece at a time, their clothes were tossed on the nearby chair. Justine pulled back the sheets. She slipped into bed first and he joined her there, taking her into his arms. He kissed her and held her close.

He kissed her palm. Then he slid her hand downward so she could touch him. She sighed and he moaned. His hands were moving across her body from her breasts to her butt and finally to that tender place between her legs. With his lips on hers and his fingers massaging her in exactly the right place, pleasure shot through her and she trembled. She kissed him harder and deeper, and her hips began to move against his hand.

“Oh Logan, this is so nice...”

“Better than nice...”

Their fondling became intense and before long Logan gently turned her onto her back, nudged her legs farther apart and found his way home. Their joining brought a gasp from her that turned into heavier breathing from both of them.

Justine closed her eyes, tilted her head back and rocked with him in a slow and steady motion. She felt the passion rise inside, and she found herself thoroughly caught in the storm of it, grabbing for his butt and pulling him harder and deeper. And then there was an explosion of pleasure that consumed her. Her body had taken her there with a will of its own and she was a clenching, quivering mass of woman, caught in his arms.

“Justine,” he whispered.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed.

A moment later he rode her hard and fast, and she felt his release. It was heaven and nearly caused her a second orgasm.

It was in the quiet of the aftermath that Justine really noticed how good it was. She felt safe and secure in his arms; he was a wonderful lover and for that she was so grateful. Fully satisfied, she let out a slow breath and snuggled closer. He ran his fingers through the short hair at her temples, combing it back. “Okay?” he asked gently.

She let out a little laugh. “Way better than okay.”

He ran a finger over her lips. “Your lips are bright pink. Your cheeks are flushed. I like that look on you.”

She opened her eyes to smile at him. “Thank you,” she said. “I wondered what it would be like. I hoped we wouldn’t disappoint each other and I could tell—we didn’t.”

“We didn’t. Justine, you know I care about you. It’s gone beyond that. I’m in love with you.”

Her eyes grew round. “Logan, I don’t think I’m in a good place to get serious about a man.”

“I’m not asking you for anything. As far as serious feelings, we can be serious without committing to the future. I understand you just came out of a long marriage. One that ended badly. You would be crazy to get yourself into another committed relationship so soon—you’re not completely over the last one. There’s still a lot to settle in your head. That’s okay. In fact, that’s good. But even so, I want you to know that I love you. And you can trust that.”

“That’s just it. It’ll probably be a long time before I can trust again.”

“That’s fine. We have nothing but time, and I’m up to the job of earning your trust. As long as we can Copyright 2016 - 2024